Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Winning Over Racism

I just saw the movie 42 and I am just disgusted. I mean the movie was amazing but it just made me remember that not too long ago our nation was filled entirely with a spiteful attitude of racism. It infuriates me! It gets me so fired up! UGH!!!!!!!!! At some parts of the movie I just wanted to spit on some people. But, then again, look at me now stooping to the racists' level. It tires me out, man. I mean, could you just imagine how tired Jackie Robinson must have been? He had to deal with all of that plus play baseball. Man! I got some respect for that guy.

It is so sad, though, because even today there is still racism that continues to paint America with a gross color. I just do not understand it. I do not think I can ever understand racist people. I like to say I am pretty tolerant of every kind of people, but racists are where I really have to try and not punch them to the ground. *Sigh* I guess I must work on that, because some people are just raised up that way. Yet, my mom was raised around a lot of racism and she ended up buying me a black baby doll so I would never know the difference in skin color. (Now she uses it in our church's Christmas plays as the Baby Jesus-the best!) So I guess you could say it depends on both the person and how they were raised. All in all, though I still need to work out my anger issues towards them. I know you'd say "why bother? they are crazy nuts!" but I do not like to judge people on just what they blindly say what they were taught. Right? If I judge them for their actions, what does that make me? Probably as low as them.

So! I will watch over and over as Jackie Robinson wins over their racist acts and I will smile.

1 comment:

Alina said...

black baby dolls FTW!!! I think this great