Wednesday, April 17, 2013

No You Won't!

In P.E. I only have a couple of friends, and of those, only 1 of them can keep up with me when I am running or walking. And today we were doing the whole "run/jog/walk" all day in timed sections. So my one friend and I were pretty much partners the entire time and we didn't really have much to talk about besides how our day was going. But then she asked if I watched Sherlock, because she had seen them all, but she was rewatching them. 

I swear, we were the most animated people in the class at this point. We were quoting the episodes back and forth to each other the entire time and trying to do impersonations of the actors- needless to say that went as horrible as it could have gone, but we didn't care because it was nice to just talk about one of our favorite shows. 

In other news, I really am excited for tonight- ALICE IN WONDERLAND!!! and then this weekend i get to (Finally!!) go to Leatherbies.... (is that how you spell it??) and then the weekend after that I get to go to San Fran and learn some cool stuff!!

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