Sunday, April 7, 2013

Growing Up is Exactly Everything it's Cracked Up to Be

So I recently saw some picture on Facebook that consisted entirely of the words "Life is getting too complex, can I be 5 again" or something similar. This brings to mind 2 things:

1. Why are people still posting these?
2. I completely disagree with this.

Seeing as I still have to do my blog post for this week, I figured I would elaborate on the latter.

Whatever difficulties that may plague my current life, I will never miss my early childhood, or really, even my more recent childhood. I remember being five - I was significantly less emotionally stable, significantly more awkward, and I was afraid of virtually everything. That stuff's specific to me, but there's also the fact that five-year-olds can't drive, deal with basic life situations, or even do anything unsupervised. As a teenager, I still have a long ways to go in some of those fields, but at least I can be trusted with a pair of scissors.

Which is what brings me to my next point. I will never miss elementary school. One of my earliest distinct scholastic memories is my doomed attempts in the first grade to manufacture a handmade picture book about animals. Not only did this process turn out rather poorly, it also gave me a lifelong fear of glue sticks. Nowadays, I study things that actually apply to the world, like physics and economics. Sure, sometimes I struggle with a particularly hard problem on electromagnetism or something, but at least none of my coursework places me at risk of getting my figures stuck together due to my mishandling of some abominable adhesive. Progress is beautiful.

Sure, I have more responsibilities now, and my life will get a lot harder in college and as an adult, but I'm glad to be moving forward and becoming someone of actual consequence in this world. The reason my life is more complex now is because I'm doing marginally important things, and my life will be far more complex in the future because I will be doing very important things. Let's go.

So there you have it, kids. Don't believe the people who say life is terrible after the age of 10. It gets better.


/ said...

I love your blogs Raha. Abominable adhesive...haha. But just know glue sticks are perfect for killing ants:P. I can just picture you with a mouse in one hand and glue stick in the other. Oh, those poor ants.

Rverma said...

How do you kill an ant with a glue stick?

aubrey22 said...

You smash it with it and it sticks to it so you can continue to kill more instead of having to wipe off your thumb or napkin and return to escaped ants. Anyways, this blog is beautiful. Definitely love that you are afraid of glue sticks, that made my day. Also, I completely agree with you. I am much happier with myself now than when I was younger.