Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Do you want to know what I despise more than Taylor Swift? Blogging...
Miley Cyrus did not hop off the plane at LAX with her dream and her cardigan for Photo J to be blogging for a grade. I thought the point of this class was to take pictures, not spend 30 minutes figuring out what to blog about and then spending the rest of the class ranting and trying to distract yourself from blogging. Do you see the struggles? It's also the first day back from break and I dont even know why seniors need to show up if we're accepted into college and the majority of our classes are a joke.. I'm honestly counting down the seconds until graduation

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Well... first you have to be available to photograph. Second, writing is essential... and it is Photo... Journalism. Third... I hope you are still enjoying softball. Finally, your choice. You can sit and rot and wonder why, or you can not waste time. Totally up to you. You are better than that.