Monday, April 1, 2013

Newly Found Inspiration

I have found a brand new idol! She's like Gordon Ramsey, except the queen of hair. Her name: Tabatha Coffey. I absolutely love her and have become addicted to her show, which is really bad for me since I keep watching it instead of doing my homework, but I guess the blog always seems to do that to me, but oh well.

I really don't want to go to school tomorrow. I don't want to see anybody, talk to anybody, or have anybody ask what I did this break. There's not much to say, I just didn't do anything.

I guess the only thing I have to talk about was the dance at the Mock Trial State Competition. It wasn't that it was bad, but it was sooo awkward. I NEVER thought that nerds (especially those in Mock Trial) could or would have the courage to dance the way they did. It was even more weird since there were really no rules and the adults didn't intervene at all. I felt so out of place... Some girls would love the fact that one team had their guys like somewhat half-naked (their shirt was ripped), but ew. I didn't sign up for that! But at least they were in shape. :P

TWO AND A HALF-ISH MONTHS UNTIL SCHOOL IS OUT! I personally cannot wait to be a senior and then get out into the world! I'm so done with homework and having to get up super early to get to class. It's really a hassle. I think these last two months are just gonna end up in one big push to get things done. I feel the projects comin' and I'm not excited, not to mention I still have 2 AP tests and CST and I have to take the SAT sometime soon.

Bloggers, don't forget to comment on someone else's post. Just one is fine!

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Even nerds get down...