Sunday, April 21, 2013


So, yesterday some of my friends and I went to UC Davis for the Picnic Day. And, it was pretty cool!

We got there at about 1:30 and walked around a bit and then headed to the Doxie Derby, where they have Dachshund races. It's the craziest thing ever. We got there right when they were ending though so we only got to see two or three races. These wiener dogs just run out of these boxes and chase after some piece of cloth towards a finish line, look it up on youtube if you want to see it, it's pretty crazy.

Then we just kind of walked around the campus and talked with some people that had graduated from Rocklin.

Overall it was a pretty nice day to my maybe future home.


Liz said...

*there- sorry that was bugging me :)
and it sounds like a crazy day! You excited to be maybe going there?

Mason said...

Oh my gosh!! That's so embarrassing considering I usually proofread my blog at least 2 times before publishing it, hahah! Yeah, I'm excited, but once I finally decide if I'm going there for sure or not, I'll probably be a lot more excited!