Wednesday, April 10, 2013


     Yesterday April 9th Paramore released a new, self-titled album. The album is called Paramore and  it is their first album since the departure of Zac and Josh Farro from the band. I've been a huge fan of the band for years and was naturally super excited for this album to be released. They definitely have changed their sound since now the band includes just Hayley, Jeremy, and Taylor. I think with this album they moved a bit away from their punk rock days and have incorporated a bit more pop into their sound and with it being only Hayleys vocals for lead and backup it's definitely different. Overall I like the album. Hayley Williams has probably one of the best voices I've heard and they put a lot of hard work into the album over the years and I believe it has paid off. Great job to paramore however hayley Williams can pull off any hairstyle but I think it is time to lose the baby bangs....

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