Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Easter just is not as fun anymore. I don't have any younger siblings or cousins, so nobody cares about fun Easter egg hunts or anything. Nobody cares about April fools jokes either. I can't say that I have too much spirit either, so I guess it all works out in the end. Still, I miss those days when I would look forward to Easter, like Christmas or my birthday. The joys of spring break are now over, much too quickly, and we have two full months without breaks before summer. There is no enthusiasm here.

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

Well, we'll have you over. Carson made up another one Sunday night with the eggs she had found and hid them around the house. Then she played "warmer, warmer... hot." And added hints like, "remember, I said some were in drawers" as she stood in front of a drawer.