Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Make It Count

We're almost there, spirit week is here, the excellence assembly is next week and CST testing the following, which for once us seniors won't have to do, score!

Although there are so many people that just want to rush through the rest of the year and 'can't wait' for graduation. I really don't. Why do we rush through every day, week and month of our lives without taking the time to actually enjoy and appreciate the time that we get to spend with our friends, family, teachers, and all stop to enjoy the experiences and opportunities that we will never have again.

Don't get me wrong, I'm super excited for all of the end of the year activities and graduation. It's just, it'll be here before we know it, and we might as well enjoy the remaining time we have with each other, step by step, and day by day.

It seems that there are too many people that are wishing graduation would be tomorrow, which is basically the same thing as wishing away the rest of the time we have left in high school, and wishing away your life.

There are so many memories that we can make with any amount of time we have left here, whether it be as a sophomore, a junior or a senior.

I know it sounds really cliche, but make the most of the time that you have here, because there may come a time that you might wish you did.


Taras said...

Well said!

Taylor said...

I totally agree with you. :)

Rverma said...

You raise a good point in this post, I think I may be a bit too caught up in the "yeah let's get out of here" mentality for my own good....