Saturday, April 13, 2013

There I Was, Then...BAM, Sketchy Senator Statement

So here I am watching the second season to American Horror Story because I don't know why, but it's strangely enchanting to watch it. But that's beside the point. Oh, I guess it helps to know I was multi-tasking by reading Huffington Post stories to try and see what would make a good story. I can't really put this into a story that'll affect any of you really, but I haven't exactly had a good rant that hasn't come from my life, so here it is:

The Newtown shooting, we all heard the story. Our hearts going out to the victims and the families. I find it strange that such news comes out now, but I guess some high and mighty woman, Susan Collins, a Republican Senator from Maine, had a dinner with President Obama that evening of the shooting. That's totally fine and all (the dinner part), but I guess Collins felt a moral inclination to speak with the families (also fine and dandy). WHAT'S NOT FINE AND DANDY IS THAT SHE GOES AND MAKES A STATEMENT ABOUT HOW SPEAKING WITH THE FAMILY MADE HER LATE TO THE DINNER?! :O Apparently, her quote goes "Everybody was seated when I got there, because I spent time talking to the parents and the family members of those who were killed at Newtown. I told them I had a dinner with the president but that I was deliberately being late." (Thanks to Huffington Post for the quote.)

I don't know about you, but she is ONE SKETCHY senator. This is why I'm not a Republican, just kidding, that's not why, not that I really want to associate myself with Democrats either. Eh, you just can't win with political parties. Again, beside the point.

One, she CHOSE to meet with the families that day. Shoot, if I was one of the family members, I would be a little bit late too considering a CHILD was just killed. I'm sorry, punctuality isn't exactly a priority Miss or Mrs. Freaking Collins. I'm sorry people can't run on your schedule especially after a shooting. <-Sarcasm, in case you didn't know, which I guess takes me to the point where I don't know exactly how she said the aforementioned statement, but seriously, you can word it better. I mean, I tried saying the quote in different tones and pace (literally said it aloud), but nothing sounded natural, unless it was in a rude, not understanding manner.

Two, she said she explained why she was late to Obama and he was understanding. Of course he'd be understanding, WHY WOULD HE NOT BE? He thought Collins was doing something admirable, but I guess she doesn't see it that way.

Three, if all Collins is honestly focused on is dinner with Obama, then she can SHOULD get out.

Why is she making quotes about being deliberately late? Honestly, you don't tell families that. You don't say, "Hey, thanks for meeting with me, sorry about you're loss. You know, I got this dinner with Obama, but don't worry, I'M BEING DELIBERATELY LATE." Anybody that knows me really well should be able to hear me say this and understand where I'm coming from.


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