Thursday, April 18, 2013

Child rearing

So I just read Aubrey's post about "42". An interesting post overall (hey Julie, if the school network won't let me comment on a post, can this count instead?). But there was one part that got me thinking - the whole thing about the black doll, and about not accidentally teaching children racism.

This reminded me of a rather frightening fact: it is apparently ridiculously easy to botch your child's growing up. Either you're too lenient, and they become delinquents, or you're too harsh, and they become delinquents, or you use the wrong brand of weed killer, and they became psychotic murderers, etc., etc.

Obviously, my knowledge of child raising is less based on first-hand experience and more so on the things I read. For example, I recently read a TIME article that said that having children after the age of 35 might be bad for the kids because, according to scientific evidence, sperm starts to accrue genetic errors after that point.

This is rather concerning. I know that at some point, I want kids - the idea of my spawn perpetuating my existence beyond my lifespan has always appealed to me. However, I also know that I want to have kids at an opportune time. For example, now is definitely not the time I would want any dependents. The better part of the next two decades isn't looking that bright either, what with college, and building a career.

But then I'd actually have to raise the kids, which, as I was talking about earlier, seems to be another minefield. I'm pretty awkward around children anyway, and then I'd have to keep track of all the various rules required in somehow creating a healthy adult from your offspring.

Yeah, good thing I don't have to worry about this for a while. 


Shelby B. said...

Rahul you make me laugh.

/ said...

Oh my gosh, Raha, your second paragraph (which, is SO true) and "dependents" made me laugh so hard. I'm really gonna miss you next year.