Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Awesome title that makes my post look better than it is

I really feel random today. Maybe it is just all the thoughts in my head have finally gotten free and are now just making my brain think of 20 different things at one time? Maybe I just have a lot of energy? I don't know, but whatever is happening should happen more often. Seriously, this has been going on for a couple of days and I feel like I can do ANYTHING! (okay, not anything... I do have boundaries and time limits) but still, you get the gist. 

And if I didn't have any tests or anything to study for this week, I would be doing everything I've been wanting to do since I got back from spring break. But of course, I have 3 tests to study for, a french presentation, and then my ACT. Not to mention everything else going on in my busy, jam-packed, girly teenager life 

But let's stay on the happier note, shall we? How about the fact that I am now nicknamed The Half-Blood Princess! didn't quite catch the reference there? no worries. But for those of you who do get it, (I'm looking to you Rhiannon- hopefully- and anyone else that has read the 6th Harry Potter book or even watched the movie) YAY. So yeah, so far, good week. Although I realize it's still only Tuesday.... See ya next time!

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