Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Don't Stress

So I was sick all of break and basically was unable to do anything but lay around all day. Might sound relaxing, but really, is anything relaxing when you're sick? No, especially when you're having chest pain and think that you're going to have a heart attack.

But, I've learned a lot in these past two weeks that I've been sick and have learned to appreciate things so much more. Although I might not have been able to do anything fun or get together with friends last week, I think that God was teaching me something.

I learned to appreciate family and friends so much more, and to not stress as much about certain things with school, because in the end it will all work out. It's so much more important to stay healthy and not get too over-stressed about tests and homework assignments, because if it's going to cause you to get sick, miss school and make a couple trips to the emergency room like I did, it's just not worth it. So don't stress, and remain calm, things have a way of working out.

Now that I am finally feeling better, I am looking forward to these last few months of high school, summer and college.   Have a great rest of the week everyone!

1 comment:

RHS Flash said...

God is ALWAYS teaching us. We just don't always stop to hear it.