Friday, January 28, 2011

Permit Test

So I failed my Permit test last week... I know I'm a loser.

I don't understand how I could fail my permit test it makes me feel so bad about my self, its supposed to be like the easiest test ever but I didn't think so! It was hard. Maybe its a sign that I'm going be a horrible driver, who knows? All I know is I'm retaking the test on Monday and if I fail again I will break down and cry in the middle of the DMV haha.

Anyway I'm just going to think positive all weekend and study... a lot. Failing again is not a possibility I have to pass! And if I do pass(which I will, hopefully)stay off the roads haha!
Wish me luck:)


Amanda C. said...

Don't get upset over a test like that. I had to take it twice!

Brit said...

failing your permit test doesn't mean you'll be a bad driver! not knowing how many feet an attatched item can extend from your car doesn't mean you wont be able to change lanes!