Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Crazy Little Thing Called...

Love. What is love anyway?

Today I'm going to be writing about a major pet peeve of mine; people who overuse the word love. It's something that irks me to know end; something worse than people tapping on desks, kicking the back of my seat, or K$sha.

I mean, come on. We've all seen them walking around, or maybe one of them are a close friend. Those criminals who use "love" like a valley girl's "like". "I love you! I love you! I LOOOOVE~!YOUU!" It makes me want to puke. Love, to me, is something important. If you love someone, then you really care about them, listen to them, and understand them. So far, there are few people in the world that I love. However, to these love maniacs, love is something that everyone can have. Because they "love everyone!"

Love is a stereotype. Every little girl someday wants to grow up and fall in love with a prince. I wanted him to have a horse and bring me to his castle, and party with singing animals. My dream has still not been fulfilled.

But love in the end is something important. It's something that you don't just throw around like a dirty sock. It's more than just a four-letter-word that means you really like something. It's deeper than that. It has meaning!

People really don't see that. It bugs me.

The more they abuse the word, the more meaningless it becomes.

Soon, girls will not fret over when he's going to say "I love you" because the phrase will not have meaning or impact. It will be a mainstream phrase, similar to the Californian surfer "Duuuude..." or the over abused "totally".

Soon, people will speak of love to strangers, saying 5 minutes after meeting them, "I love you". I've had strange girls I barely knew say that to me. Of course, it was accompanied by "like" and "totally".

What's happening to our society? Is love no longer magic and sparkles and meaning?

When the future generation reads of Romeo and Juliet's love, will they be incapable of understanding doomed Romeo's love for tragic Juliet?

So you know who you are. Stop abusing love, before I start abusing you.


Amanda C. said...

can we run this as a column?

Franchesca said...

I agree with you completely, people over use the word love wayyyy to much.

Anthony Roberts said...

ehhh i love you.. haha but i do agree i use it a whole lot way too much even as one who says it all the time.

Kiersten said...

ah i love this ! this is very well written and i agree with you completely !

Anonymous said...

Your argument is well done. If anything I think we should just remember that divorce is very common and half of us have to learn how to use love the hard way. Some will marry their high school sweetheart, a common known mistake. Some will marry someone for wrong reasons like money. It's just that love has become more of a fairytale that seems more important when you are younger. With age comes so many things besides love to accompany this argument of throwing around the word. In reality, It's just a word...and the people who use it incorrectly will learn eventually.

Hannah Vahldick said...

It is true, people who are shallow cannot understand the depth of romantic love. But I believe that love should be universal, if you hold it on this pedastal as this sort of unattainable thing, you aren't allowing yourself to fully understand it yourself. Have love for all, but don't fall in love at this age.