Sunday, January 2, 2011


Fresh, I like that word.
Fresh fruit. Fresh air. But most of all, a fresh start.
And for me, that is what a new semester brings. A gleaming hope. A chance to do things right.
So, first off. This semester, I will be a better planner. I am awful at time management. This needs to be dealt with. I never write things down in my planner, and therefore often forget to do homework.
Second, I need to do some community service.
Third, I need to balance the time and care I give to each class. Last semester, I was so consumed with getting an A in calculus, I neglected my AP psych grade in a major way.

So I guess you could call these my second semester resolutions.
Wish me luck.


Elisabeth said...

Good luck! Just look over at me and when ever I write something in my planner, copy it and you should be good to go.

Holly said...

I am going to buy a super cute one so I am more inclined to write in it.