Sunday, January 23, 2011

Starbucks Spelled My Name Wrong

I really don't care if Starbucks spelled my name wrong on my drink. Maybe it is because I go to the place three-four times a year (and wrote an editorial, "Stopbucks", for the Flash two years ago). Or maybe it is because "Amanda" is a pretty simple name to spell (other than amanDUH) so I don't come across misspellings. I don't know. To me it just seems silly to make a big deal out of a spelling error on a cardboard sleeve/piece of plastic that is going to be thrown away later that day. I know Safa agrees with me because she just tells the people her name is "Sara" for convenience. I mean, these people are human, they make mistakes, too. It isn't like the name on the drink is going to alter the flavor of the beverage.


Rverma said...

You can imagine what I go through with a name like Rahul - everytime I order something thats not plain cofee, I end up answering to Ralph.

Erika said...

See, it's things like this that make the uber-hip coffee shops like Edwin's Coffee and Tea so awesome.

Kiersten said...

haha i love this ! i get kirsten, kersten, and keirsten all the time !