Friday, January 7, 2011


So my fran Holly is obsessed Bruno Mars, and well I'm not totes sure which songs he sings (all I know is I have a shirt that a girl wears in one of his videos hehe) but I know one thats called 'Grenade' or some nonsense and well it just doesn't make sense to me it's really just a dumb song actually and Holly tries to defend it by saying oh well he has lots of good songs just none of the ones that are on the radio. And that's clearly rubbish because an artists best songs get chosen to be singles derr. But anyway, back to granade. Here's some lines from the song:
I’d catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I’d jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya
Why would anybody ever need to do these thing ^ for any person ever at all? What is Bruno trying to say here? Basically he's saying if there was an impossible situation where him and his gal, perhaps in the midst of enjoying some carmels or sharing a baklava, find themselves teleported into a World War I battle field and there's a grenade coming at them. In this situation, Mars would, without a doubt, sacrifice his life to catch the explosive weapon. He'd catch it... apperantly so that at least when they both blow up and die he can at least say he was courageous enough to reach for it. And uh, Bruno, when's the last time your girlfriend has asked you to saw off your hand for her? Or are you living in a 1940s black and white cowboy film where some crook tied ur gf to a train track after that saloon brawl?

The moral of the story is this guy doesn't tickle my fancy because who can relate to nonsensical lyrics? You may criticise me for singing along anyway (it's catchy) but I still disaprove.


Erika said...

I think he has a TON of talent, but I'm not a huge fan of his music either. Too much suckin up to the ladiez.

Kacy said...

I like your writing style, this was very enjoyable to read..hah.
I don't have an opinion of him, really. I just don't understand why he's so popular. (but then again, that's the same feeling I have about everyone on the radio)
Anyway, I disagree in that I don't think an artist's single is their best song. The less known songs are usually better in my opinion.
Also, just a fun fact, most people think mainstream artists write their own songs. When actually, this song was only co-written by Bruno. He had help from 5 other people: Kelly, Claude/Wyatt, Andrew [1]/Lawrence, Philip/Brown, Brody/Levine, Ari/Mars, Bruno

Anonymous said...

Right after I read this, I got that song stuck in my head. Thanks, ha :P

Alisha said...

I think he's a decent artist. "Just the Way You Are" is such a great song. "Grenade" has such a catchy tune too...but it does get pretty repetitive.

Holly said...

I find this rather offensive

Alexandra said...

lol holly.

and thank you Kacy :)