Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Why I love lists and dislike blogs.

1. It's more fun for the mind to read simple little bullet points instead of long paragraphs.
2. It takes up more room so it makes it look like I wrote a lot.
3. They can be about anything, anything in the world and you will most likely read it. Because it's a list.
4. It sounds like lisps.
6. I can skip numbers and you won't even realize it. It's like...a subliminal message. Sort of. ...Not really.
54. You don't ever have to finish a list. You can be done any time you want and name your list "(Number you ended on) Reasons Why I (Blah blah blah)"
107. You can make a list about making a list.
108. Two words: Christmas lists. Uhh, who doesn't love Christmas?
109. Lists can even include pictures! So I leave you with this random picture I made in Adobe Fireworks off of some tutorial I found. Enjoy.

110. I hate blogs.


Chelsea Y said...

That's cool, I do prefer to read lists than blogs. Blogs can get really long and I get too lazy to read the whole thing haha

Cliff said...

yeah, lists are much better then blogs.

Hannah Vahldick said...

NICE final version of that picture. Dude, I love it