Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lazy Days

Everyone deserves the right to be lazy every once a while and today was one of those days where I did absolutely nothing important. Unless you call sleeping until 12 or watching a full season of America's Next Top Model important. After all the stress of the school week, I want to cherish the time on the weekends that I have to relax so I take full advantage of it by making sure that terrible word, "school", doesn't even pass through my mind. I don't understand people who pack their weekends full with plans or constantly have to be around people and doing something exciting. Honestly, I would probably spend most of my weekends by myself in my room reading Harry Potter or playing Bubble Spinner if it weren't for my friends and that luring sense of unaccomplishment. In the end, lazy days are helpful every once in a while, because I eventually get bored and disappointed in my self for having "wasted" a day and I become more motivated to get things done the next day.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

we are definitely twins!! haha i am the same way hahaha :)