Friday, January 7, 2011

Sleeping in class

Yesterday the girl that sits behind me in World History fell asleep during class. No big deal right? Are you wondering why I'm blogging about this? Well if you are wondering why, its because my teacher said something to her in front of the whole class and embarrassed her completely. It really made me think and I had a realization that sleeping in class is a lot more of a big deal than people think it is.

Everyone seems to do it, right? In every class there at least always one person sleeping. I admit there have been times where I have wanted to fall asleep because something my teacher was talking about was so painfully boring, but i have never actually completely fallen asleep. When I look at it from a teachers perspective it really makes me think about how embarrassing it can be for the teacher and not only the student.

Teachers have to stand up and talk in front of teenagers all day long and when they see someone sleeping i feel that its a sense of the student say, "I have no respect for you and don't want to listen to what you're saying."

The thing that I think about if I was trying to teach teenagers all day long and if I saw them sleeping while I was talking I know I would feel offended... so that helps me not fall asleep. In my opinion its just rude, so people get enough home.


natalie said...

haha gotta love O'D

Hannah Vahldick said...

I had a teacher in 7th grade that literally assigned sleeping at home as homework lol she didn't want people having this excuse like "Well the homework YOU assigned kept me up all night." Cuz then she could say "Well, then you didn't finish the assignments" lol