Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dress Up Days

So I've never really been much for dressing up on spirit days. In fact, I never have, with the exception of wearing a specific color to school like purple yesterday. I don't know why, I suppose I just am not very comfortable with leaving my comfort zone. Thanks to the encouragement of a friend who has trying to connive me into dressing up since middle school, I'm finally going all out. And, I figure, I only have 17 months left in Rocklin, and 3 semesters left at RHS. So I'm going to dress up quite a bit, at least for Hobo Day, today.

I hope my cart will fit through the classroom doors.


Alisha said...

Might I say you look incredible. I'd give you a dollar.

Anonymous said...

You look absolutely amazing today, Brit. Embrace your inner hobo :)