Thursday, January 6, 2011

To all those Flash haters out there

I love distribution day. I love it when people come up to me and ask if they can have a copy of the Flash. I love seeing students with their faces buried in the newspaper everywhere I turn. And I love when teachers have to constantly remind their students to stop reading the Flash in the middle of their lecture.

But I hate when people reject receiving a paper.

"Hey would you like a copy of the Flash?"

I know this is a really biased point of view since I'm an editor, but, I mean, come on! The impression I get when people turn down an issue of the Flash is that they think they are too cool to read and that they don't give a care what goes on in their school. I take much pride in RHS and I love being involved so I find this behavior in some students very offensive, especially when they shoot me dirty looks just because I offered them a paper. I understand not everyone is going to want to read the Flash. That's just how it is, but they are missing out, and someday they will probably regret not taking more pride in their high school.


Amanda C. said...

If this were on facebook, I'd like it! Check the survey results about the Flash. Love your dedication

Anthony Roberts said...

i agree i got turned down a lot too

Brit said...

I cannot believe that people would actually refuse. This has never happened to me before. Its free, its about you and your friends, and we spent a ton of time on it. just take the magazine.