Sunday, January 2, 2011

Into the New Year

Alas it's been two weeks of break though it seems like we just got out. It's been a great time what with hanging out with the cousins a lot and re-watching the entire Avatar: The Last Airbender series on Netflix. As 2011 rolls in, I've been thinking about New Year's resolutions. Some people think that there's no point in making resolutions because they're almost always broken before January's end. I feel that this is a time of new beginnings, and resolving to do better helps guide one towards the right path in whatever one chooses to do. In past years, my resolutions haven't always worked out because I don't think I ever tried hard enough to stick to them. This year however, I hope to be more committed. I have resolved to stop procrastinating and work harder on my schoolwork and start exercising to get in shape. These are probably the most generic resolutions out there, but I feel that they apply to my life. I have also decided to try doing creative things and seek out new experiences. I hope that by documenting these resolutions I will be better prompted to actually follow them and stick to them for all of 2011 and beyond. Happy New Year!


Holly said...

Haha avatar the last airbender on netflix watch instantly. That pretty much sums up last summer for me.

Chelsea Y said...

I love that show so much lol. Last episode is the best. I heard there might be a spinoff show lol