Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wisdom Teeth Removal.

So I had my wisdom teeth pulled on Wednesday and it was a wondrous deal. Except, not really. First of all, they denied me the joy of laughing gas. Not only would I not get to experience the hilarious side effects of laughing gas post surgery, but I had to be awake for the surgery. Which I thought wouldn't be bad, as I've had four teeth pulled before and it didn't hurt at all.
When I walked in on Wednesday morning, I was completely relaxed. I sat down on my reclining chair and watched "The Divorce Court" until dentist walked in. He pulled out the anesthesia, and soon my entire chin and lower half of my cheeks were numb. I figured I wouldn't feel anything, seeing as I couldn't feel my own fingers against my face. It would be just like last time, just a nasty squelching sound and some slight pressure and it would be done. That's what I thought, at least.
The enormous plyers were pulled out and Dr. Nguyen (my dentist) proceeded to try and force my tooth out of the socket by "wiggling". It wouldn't come out however, and so he resorted to manually try and drill my tooth in half using what looked like a screwdriver. When that didn't work, they pulled out an actual drill and I heard a nasty cracking sound a couple of minutes later. It hurt pretty bad, seeing as they can't numb the nerves at the core of your tooth, just the surrounding gum. Possibly even worse is that he dropped my broken, bloody tooth on me while attempting to put it on some medical tray. The same exact thing happened with the other tooth, minus the dropping of the tooth. Needless to say, I wasn't in the best of moods afterwards, but I was finally done.
After the anesthesia wore off, the lower of my face was continuously throbbing and I resorted to Vicodin. Since then, I haven't really eaten solid food and I pulled a stitch out on New Years Eve. I don't believe I've had a bloodier New Years. One of the benefits that has come out of this whole thing, however, is that everyone felt the need to bring me frozen goodies, which I don't mind in the least.
So, take it from me. Find a way to get the laughing gas. Beg for it. Steal it. I don't know, just get it. It'll be a lot better than laying in a dentist's office, staring at a ceiling with lights covered in fake Japanese cherry blossoms while angry couples bicker in the background about their assets on "The Divorce Court".


Christian Young said...

I had my wisdom teeth removed this break too...not a very pleasant experience but I broke a rules a bit :p. Hope you feel better!

Holly said...

Oh my god, that sounds like a nightmare.