Wednesday, January 19, 2011

California Super Storm?

I'm pretty sure everyone has heard about the possibility of the super storm in California. But I am not sure I believe it, part of me is scared to death, but the other part is in denial. 100 scientists believe its going to happen because of its history..I don't even know what I would do, I guess I would just try and spend as much time as I can with my friends and family and to try and live in the moment..but at the same time I can't help but think its just a theory and there is just a chance of it happening.


Michelle said...

CHELSEA!! Chillax my friend... no worries. Scientists are... loopy. Let's just say that...

Cliff said...

I hope you're right. cuz i'm gonna be pissed. I hate storms!!!

Danielle said...

this freaked me out! and all that rain.....