Sunday, January 2, 2011


So obviously, I have put this all off to the very last minute. So much fail. Something that was not a fail, however, was my family vacation to Disneyland.
The Saturday break started, my family and I packed our bags, hopped in the car, and rode the long seven hour drive down to Anaheim. It was pouring rain the entire way, so I looked out the window, slept, and listened to some music. I figured it might be warmer in "sunny Socal".
I was so wrong. It was soooo rainy and wet and cold the entire time, but it couldn't have been more amazing. A lot of people were driven away by the rain, and at around 11:30 one night, my family practically had the entire park to themselves.
I developed three new pet peeves on my trip: wet shoes, wet jeans, and umbrella people. Wet shoes... ugh. Just ugh. You can feel all the water squelching around in your feet, and soon you can even feel your feet start to prune. Wet jeans... even worse. My legs were burning because I went on Splash Mountain five times in the pouring rain and my jeans were getting painful after they were soaked.
The last one requires an entire paragraph. UMBRELLA PEOPLE OH MY GAWSH I CANNOT STAND THEM. I saw a lady walk through the line at Buzz Lightyear to rejoin her family. And, like the rest of the umbrella people, she didn't bother to close it when going through a crowd, thus clawing the face of a poor innocent bystander who happened to be standing near her child. Too many people did this, and I found myself shouting things like, "GEE, THAT UMBRELLA SURE IS POKEY" or "DO YOU NOT REALIZE YOU ARE CLAWING EVERYONE IN THE FACE???" Not too many happy faces from those statements.
Aladdin. My love for Aladdin... well, I saw the show twice and visited Aladdin's oasis at least five times to check if he was there. And he never was because of the rain. I was so disappointed, but just seeing the show twice was amazing. Even if they skipped "A Whole New World" the first time I went because of technical difficulties.
But all in all, Disneyland was incredible. World of Color was absolutely amazing. My mom found ten bucks on the ground. Peter Pan and Ariel told me they liked my Christmas sweata. The lines weren't too long. It's a Small World was absolutely magical. Disneyland really is "The Happiest Place on Earth" :)


Anonymous said...

You are so smart, and a gifted writer. I am in love with the things that you said and it even made me want to visit Disneyland as well :) maybe we can go together at one point and i can be your alladin ;)

Erika said...

I have no idea who this is, but I'm afraid the feelings won't be mutual because you spelled Aladdin wrong.