Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Semester

It's a new semester in period 2 journalism and things are changing. We have switched seats, computers, groups, print groups and some of us have switched pod groups. The Pod is still together but we have been shifted across the room. I would much rather be back in the original Pod, with it's now unseasonal Christmas decorations and it's homey warmth, but at least we are still together in our seating arrangements. In some classes, I am totally cool with not choosing seats at the beginning, but I almost never want to switch seats in the middle of the year. By the end of semester one I finally enjoy sitting where I was assigned in different classes because I have gotten to know the people around me. And honestly, unless people are distracted by the seating arrangements there is no real reason to switch them. People generally work better when comfortable so why make students uncomfortable with seat changes?

1 comment:

Amanda C. said...

M5 traditions: changing at the semester and print groups at each print issue (hey, you still get to sit by your friends!).

It is critical to understand how to work with different types of people for journalism and life. Change is inevitable. There is no improvement without change.