Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thank You Pereira #`1

Ah, Pereira, he's such a great teacher. I kind of wish I took regular English so that I could've had him again, not that Padilla's a bad teacher at all. She's fabulous and charismatic, but so is Pereira. I know that most people were just devastated to hear that he was going to hand over some of the honors classes to Grace, and it must be even more devastating to hear that he's going to shift to freshman only.

Anyways, I'd like to take a chance to thank Pereira for something that doesn't really mean anything to him, but means so much to me. While in his classroom during break, I saw that he had old, lost, and unclaimed calculators on his whiteboard. I asked him if at the end of the year, should nobody have claimed it by then, if I could keep them. He not only let me take the stats calculator, but a TI-83, one I've been asking to get for 3 years now. Mine works perfectly, however mine is a 73, so it can't do much. And it sucks to not be able to do homework since some of the problems are specifically meant to be done on higher calculators, which mine can't even imagine doing.

I know to most of you, it sounds stupid, like it's only a calculator, but it's more than that to me. He was gracious enough to let me have them and was happy to let me have them. And although it's the end of the year and I only have one more math test final thing to go, I still have all of AP Stats next year. So THANK YOU PEREIRA! Not only to him, but to anybody who has lent or given me something. It really does calm my mind to know that some people aren't THAT self-centered. I hope that what I give my young ones will touch them as well, and hopefully they don't take what I give them for granted, whether it be life lessons (which I don't really give them) or advice for school.

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