Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Dog

I have nothing to blog about, so I guess I will talk about my dog. I have a little 7-pound shih tzu named Maggie. We have had her for her whole life, which is only 6 years.

Anyone who has even come over and seen my dog would vouch for me that she is the stupidest dog on earth. There are several reasons why she is considered the stupidest dog ever:

1) She doesn't know how to go to the bathroom by herself.  You have to stand outside with her and yell at her until she goes.

2) She doesn't know what anything we say means. We tell her to stay, she walks away. We tell her sit, she walks away. We tell her to lay down, she just looks at you like you're crazy.

3) She only does what we say if you give her a treat. Enough said.

4) She hates snuggling. When she is laying down, you go to pet her and you think she would be happy. But noooo, she gets up and walks away.

5) She also hates being confined into an area. We have gates to lock her in the kitchen, which is kinda big, and she freaks out. She freaks out to the point where she squeezes through the little bars in the gate to just get out. She got stuck one time and it was horrible! But, it taught her a lesson. And us one to... The gates are no longer up.

Well, that's my dog. But don't get me wrong. I love her very much! She is super cute... Her best quality.

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