Thursday, May 23, 2013

Stress (aka my usual blogging topic)

I feel like all I do on the blog is rant about how stressed I am, and I'm not one to break tradition so I suppose I'll continue this trend. I thought that after my AP test (which actually went surprisingly well) I'd finally be able to relax after so. much. studying. But no, it turns out that I have a ton of things to finish before summer.

Of course, first and foremost is my speech for Language Arts, which I'm hoping I can memorize in time. Then, the day after I have the SAT for World History. I actually really enjoy history, and didn't think the AP test was too bad, but after reading various threads on College Confidential I'm beginning to get a little worried as the test is very heavily focused on details. Then, I have to read, finish, and test (well) on an AR book which I have approximately four days to read. Oh, plus there's a chemistry test on my birthday. Joy.

In the midst of that, though, I do have some awesome things to look forward to, mainly seeing the US tour of Les Miserables with Leah and my friend Holly and my aforementioned birthday. Also, there's the tiny detail of summer being mere days away.

To be honest, I wish school was a little longer, just so I at least a little more time to accomplish everything I need to get done. I feel as though most of this year has been relatively decent in regards to stress, with a sudden onslaught of a great deal of stress all at once. I wish I could say that I was going to relax all summer, but what with a summer job, volunteering, taking French 3H over the summer and doing summer homework for 3 AP classes, I don't think that'll be the case :). But that's alright, I do like staying busy. I just don't like have 1,000 things to do in such a short time frame.

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