Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I am suuuppppeeeerrrrr excited for next week. Not only do I have a french field trip, but I get to go see Stark Trek: Into Darkness at the midnight premiere. I am sad to say that I am not a Trekkie..... But I hope to be one soon. I mean I have all of the movies and the original series and the newer series at home, I just need more time to watch them. Any who, life is sorta easy at the moment, except for allergies. AAAHHHHH I am just so fed up with them. I seriously feel like I am sick, but I have enough energy to run a mile and then some. But my head is all fuzzy, my nose (let's just say that my sense of taste if off...) is not currently in the proper condition it needs to be in and it is getting worse as the season goes on. Tell me why this has to happen. Seriously, not the scientificky answer because my brain won't wrap around it at the moment, but WHYYYY!!!!!?????? There is no logical reason for this to happen. It happens every year and every year I get more and more sick of it. it's life. Yeah, I get it. live with it. Uh huh. Totally. Just, promise to come to my funeral after I die of coughing, 'kay?

1 comment:

Juliette said...

Lucky, I want to see Into Darkness so bad! I will welcome you with open arms into the world (fandom??) of Star Trek!