Monday, May 20, 2013


Braces, one of the many things teenagers dread. They have good reason to, mostly because they hurt. And besides braces are just a hassle. I’m seventeen years old and I still have my braces on. At this point they are annoying and just plain ugly. I’m tired of going to the orthodontics just to have the people poke my mouth to death. Believe it or not lady, but when you continuously jab a sharp tool into my gums, it does kind of hurt, weird I know (not). And on top of everything my orthodontics already gave me, I now have a new rubber band in the middle of my teeth. It’s just one diagonal band in the front of my teeth. Uhhh… I can’t wait until I get them off. But on the plus side I finally got to choose a color to go on my brackets.

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