Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Now I know #1

I stared at this blank page on blogger for a long period of time and I didn't know what i was going to blog about. I figured it out.
Hopefully I won't get glared at for this but a group of individuals started arguing and I don't want to say I found it amusing, but It made me think for a second. If your mad about something and you tell that certain someone, but hinting about what they did, how are you going to resolve the situation? The other individual, the targeted one, didn't quite remember what and why the othe individual was mad. I've been in this situation before and I think you just have to be straight with each other and Specifically say why your mad at someone then you will never figure anything out and tensions will stay. Anyway though. Just a thought.
Hope it gets all worked out for them.
A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders today. I gave my English presentation and I'm kind of floating on a cloud because I'm so happy its over with and now I only have to make my AR goal, which isn't really that hard. I enjoy reading and now that I actually have time for it, is pure bliss to me. :)
This is going to sound weird, but I'll forever be facinated with people. People are amazing. People are sometimes (but really most oftenly) annoying, weird and as for 'Murica, stupid on occasions. But what people don't know is all the great things about themselves. Everyone is great. Now this is going to be really really really corny and I don't know who reads these other than Nichols but I'm going off on a really unorganized rant right now about self empowerment type things and major major run on sentences. oh blogging. :) anyway though. my mind is ADD sometimes. for people reading this that have ADD that was not not directed towards you. okay. I think of the litle things: Your heart for example beats tirelessly every single waking moment of your life until you die. I think thats amazing!! Seriously! just think about all that energy! this is the weirdest blog i've done in my life. my foot just touched the sticky mouse trap type thing... ew. good thing nothings there anyway. Also, another thing that happens just naturally, you blink all day long without even noticing it half the time! now you noticed though because I mentioned it. maybe your counting your blinks or something along the lines of that. haha. psych. ugh I think i'm done now. I thought this was going somewhere but it didn't work out. my fingers are getting tired. okay...gosh I never know how to end a blog.

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