Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Disney (#9)

While I know that recently our homecoming theme was Disney (I think it was around 2010 or 2009 maybe?) I honestly don't care because Disney is the best. It's the best producer of animated films, has the best composers, the best singers, and it's also the best homecoming theme. I also think that the rising juniors got really lucky with our theme of Aladdin, which is one of my absolute favorite movies of all time. I can just imagine how adorable our float will be! The rising seniors also have great theme and all in all, I LOVE the idea of a Disney homecoming. I much prefer it to the Tim Burton one we had my freshman year (although I'm still a little I missed Harry Potter homecoming).

In anticipation, I plan to watch tons of Disney movies over the summer. Of course, I was probably going to do that anyways. C'est la vie.

(Also I'm watching the US Tour of Les Mis in 4 days and I cannot wait)

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