Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Kids are ungrateful. Simple as that. I will admit that I used to be one of those narrow minded individuals who thought my life was coming to an end because Pretty Little Liars forgot to record or maybe because my parents wouldn't lengthen my curfew by an extra hour. It is amazing how over the course of 48 hours your entire life can take a complete U-Turn on your prospective on each and everything thing. This past month, it has sickened me on how greedy and materialistic high school students are. I see tweets and Facebook posts every day about how "life is so hard" because you can't decide which college to go to or because you do not have enough money to buy an iPhone 5. You are alive. You are healthy. Your family is wealthier than about 80% of the entire world. BE APPRECIATIVE.

One month ago my mom was diagnosed with type 4 brain cancer, also known as Glioblastoma. It is unsure how much longer she will have to live. If I have learned anything, it is to spend as much time with your family as possible. And if everyone close to you is healthy, be thankful. THAT is what you should care about.

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