Thursday, May 23, 2013

Heart Healthy

So, as some of you know, over spring break I had a health scare I guess you would call it. I had extremely bad chest pain and rapid heart palpitations which led to two trips to the emergency room, an ambulance ride, three trips to a regular doctor, and then finally an appointment with a cardiologist.

It was honestly one of the most difficult weeks of my life. Laying around the house doing absolutely nothing but think about it was so draining. I tried not to think about how awful I felt and how scary it was, because I know that there are people out there that have it worse, and that more than likely it would go away soon, but  it was still extremely hard to do that. It was also such a difficult time because we had just lost a student, and friend dear to so many of us.

Nonetheless, I was so lucky to have such loving and supportive friends that constantly checked up on me, and came to visit me. Their prayers and well wishes meant the world to me.

So, when I went to the cardiologist a few weeks ago, he said that I probably have this thing (I forget the name) where your heart just starts to go fast sometimes, and that the best way to stop it is to gag yourself by shoving your finger down your throat-- crazy, I know.

Today I went back for a heart ultrasound and the doctor said that it looks good. He said the rapid heart beat is a normal thing, and basically that my heart is perfectly healthy, and if I ever experience the rapid heart beat again I should do the gagging thing. Anyways, this is such a relief as it has been such an unknown all this time as to what was exactly wrong. So, yay! No more thinking about the what if it's this... And I feel as healthy and more alive as ever!

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