Thursday, May 2, 2013

Can I Say It ENOUGH?

Can I just say that I am SO DONE WITH PEOPLE. People seriously just need to leave. Like GET OUT OF MY FACE type leave. The only things that's really keeping me going is knowing that 1)I'm almost done 2)I'm going to make sure Niraj hangs out with me during the summer 3)Charisse love ME and 4)my adorable freshman are SO CUTE:3 .

I am irked. IRKED, ok more than irked that my AP Psych test is Monday and needless to say; I have not studied. Either way, it doesn't matter. I know I'm excused for the entire day, which is awesome, but the test starts at 12 and that's exactly when Pre-Calc is (the only class I actually need to attend). Ugh, took a practice test for AP US and according to the numbers provided by Benzel's class, I got a straight up 3. If I had missed one more question, it would've been a two. Not that I care about what I get. Honestly, I want to prolong the AP test date simply because I don't want to dance and sing for a music videos. Those should be left to the people with good cameras.

Still, so angry. People. I think people should stay away from me and my hair for the next couple of days. I am NOT in a good mood, and there's one really good reason why (and a thousand little reasons why), in which I cannot say because that would be no bueno/I have the right to not say it. Just know that I am like screaming inside my head and having a non-stop rant fest because I am just sooooooooo done. SOOOO freakin' done. If anybody gets my reference, I feel like Brenda in the movie theaters for Scary Movie 3. Hilarious, couldn't attach the link, but still...funny.

I have been invited to randomly show up and eat burritos with Luis, which I am seriously considering. Burritos sound good.

So yea: PEOPLE NEED TO LEAVE ME ALONE unless I'm on good terms with you, which isn't many.

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