Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tis The Season To Be Stressed Out

This time of year is suppose to be the happy and filled with Christmas cheer. Yet, until Christmas break, its only filled with stress and frustration for me. I have been dreading these upcoming three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. Its always filled with tons of projects and tests that teachers cram in before the end of the semester. Even though I have good grades now, who knows what they could look like by the time Christmas break comes. Last year at this time was one of the worst times in my high school career. Not only was I overcome with stress, I was constantly getting sick and missing school. I got an inner ear infection that caused me to have vertigo, which is where the room looks like its spinning and makes you so dizzy that you are constantly throwing up, definitely not a fun thing to have. This happened the week right before break which is arguably the most crucial. Just this week, I have four tests and an essay due. So wish me luck and hopefully this time of year will be a little more cheerful this time around.


Christian Young said...

Goodluck! I do agree with you that this time is extremely stressful. But just think about the positives...its the holiday season and Christmas is soon!

Hannah Vahldick said...

Ahhh! I hate this time too! I can't stay focused on school at all in these 3 weeks, because school should practically be out, but it's not. It's terrible.

Rverma said...

December 18 and you will never think about this for two weeks. Good luck!

Holly said...

I read half your blog, and then it stressed me out so I had to stop.
Please, Elisabeth. You have nothing to worry about. Relax.