Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Idealistic Pride

NOTE: Before you read this,I would like you to know that,although I am a strong pacifist, I am not intending to insult you or your beliefs and opinions.

As many of you know, Black Ops came out on November 9th. In an attempt to bond with my father and younger brother, I brought it up while making dinner last night. Big mistake.

My brother's face lit up and he begin jabbering about it. I have no clue what he said, but somehow it turned to the fact that the "enemy deserve to be killed". Well, as I said above, I am a pacifist. And I said something to the effects of "Well, you know, the enemy doesn't deserve to be killed. This reflects negatively on them and their people in the real world, and how would you feel if these were Americans they were fighting??". Yeah. Bad move on my part...

My dad snapped. He went on a mini-rampage about how I think everyone is too peaceful, and how I'm too P.C, naive,stupid, and un-patriotic. Ugh.

This hurt my feelings. My dad doesn't understand, but that really hurt my feelings.

I am a peaceful person. I admit that freely. I believe in the opinions of everyone, freedom, and worldwide love.

I'm pretty much a hippy.

But still! Is that wrong? To love everyone no matter what? To believe in the good?I believe in it. The capacity to be good is in almost everyone.And so I ate, went to bed, and pondered (as I have a habit of doing) Life.

I think that if we are ever to have peace, it will be through idealism and love. There is nothing good that comes out of killing, hating, or prejudging others. Absolutely nothing good. The only way we will ever achieve peace is if everyone can look at a complete stranger and think "That is someone like me". Because everyone is humna, right? Everyone has a past full of mistakes and triumphs. So if we can say that the world is like a family, full of people who love each other, than we can have world peace. It's basically taking the Barney theory (I love you, You love me) to a international level.

And I'm proud of it too.

To the Dads all over the world- I hope that someday, you can see that all the world really needs is love.

Like the Beatles, right? All you need is love.


Amanda C. said...

I admire your perspectives. You always present them so eloquently.

Hannah Vahldick said...

Lovely =) I really object such games. I think that people should be required to take an IQ test before purchasing one of those games or something, seriously with how violent some people become after playing those games for too long scares me. It's like the media is trying to promote insanity. What is the point? To teach that taking the life of another is socially acceptable? If it's the life of a "terrorist"? Who exactly is the enemy in Black Ops anyway?