Monday, November 15, 2010

This is how I feel.
It seems like so many people lose sight of who they are when they get caught up in the hype of trying to impress those around them. I have always believed in the power of one's words. Own them. I want to know people for who they are, not what they can afford or what image they can put up. I am impressed by people who are not afraid to be themselves, I envy those who speak honestly and whole-heartedly. I avoid those who believe they are hidden behind their possessions.
Do not follow fads to fit in, please be who you are intended to be! Speak how you wish to be heard. Allow yourself to grow so that your mind may be extraordinary, and your words truly beautiful.


Amanda C. said...

I love the way you think and I love your ideas. It is all about sincerity.

Brit said...

People really need to gain the courage to stop and look at themselves in the mirror and see that so much of their lives are just wasted on trying to impress other people. People who spend thousands of dollars altering and enhancing their physical appearance, it's so wasteful. have the courage to be the person you want to be, and let your actions, not your appearance show who you are!