Sunday, November 28, 2010

Procrastination At It's Finest

So I had the best Thanksgiving break EVER up until now. Today is my day of torture. I went into this break thinking I didn't have too much homework and I'd just do it all on Sunday and it won't be that bad. I must have failed to open up my planner and actually read all I wrote that I have to do. I have SO MUCH. Yet instead of actually getting to work I'm checking email, Facebook, etc. and just freaking out about how much I have yet to accomplish. I'll probably end up staying up late tonight reading, writing and scrambling to finish everything.

I have to read three books in the next few weeks. Starting with The Scarlet Letter. It's kind of a hard read because of the language used, but it's not too bad once I sit down and force myself to read it. Plus, a while ago I made a list of books I want to read before I die (because I'm a nerd like that) and this is one of the ones at the top of the list, so having to read it for AR is a win-win for me personally. But it's yet another thing I have to do, and it's stressing me out. I miss the days when I could just read for the fun of it and not have a time limit or have to take a test on it.

So I'm definitely feeling the pressure. Wish me luck as I begin to immerse myself in homework.


Amanda C. said...

aw good luck! you will do great, you always do.

Danielle said...

im feeling the same way. you can do it! :)

Yasmine_B said...

I'm experiencing the same situation. At the beginning of break I was planning on getting everything done early, but as usual it didn't happen and now I'm swamped.

Erika said...

Good luck Alisha. I totally know how you feel.

Chelsea Y said...

Yeah today is the day dedicated to hw -___-