Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sick Days :/

Some people would say that they love sick days. Because they get to sleep in, and skip the drudgery of yet another day of high school. I do not count myself amongst their ranks. This week I haven't been feeling well, and have stayed home both on Monday and today. I do not know whether or not I will be back for the remainder of the week. While some people are fine with exchanging their physical well-being for a few extra hours of sleep, I must dissent. I feel more stressed out when I'm not at school getting things done, because all I can do is worry that I might be falling behind. They say that if a fish stops swimming, it dies. While I might not go that far, when I'm not at school, I definitely feel as if a bit of my purpose is missing. I don't have a job, my seasons of sports are over (well, the 14-day off-season is half-way done), so school is really the main thing dictating my life. Without it I feel, well, empty. It takes sick days to realize just how much I push myself and value my education, for better or for worse.


Danielle said...

i hate missing school too! its so much more stressful not to be at school...

Anonymous said...

you can make it :) we love you!

Keely said...

Aww I'm sorry Brit. We miss you in the Pod!