Friday, November 26, 2010


So it's the day after Thanksgiving, and I expected to be able to sit around the entire day and continue digesting the food I ate from the previous night. However, my mother is the complete opposite. I wake up this morning and the first thing she tells me is, "Get some clothes on, we are decorating the house today."
My first response was, "Decorate for what?"
Her first reply was, "For Christmas, duh!"
Therefore, seeing as how she is my mother, I was forced into decorating the entire house with Christmas decorations.
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, BUT ITS THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING! ITS NOT EVEN DECEMBER YET! Can't I just have a breather? I'm still ridiculously fat from all the food I stuffed in my face. But I guess that's no excuse for my mother.
It's 3:12pm and she is building our fake tree right now, and I can't even imagine what might happen the rest of the day.
Happy Holidays?

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