Saturday, November 27, 2010

Obama+Basketball=12 Stitches

Every time I hear this story on the news or radio I can't help but laugh! As all of you should know, our 44th president, Mr. Barack Obama, received 12 stitches after playing a friendly pick-up game. It turned out to be a not so friendly game in the end when he was rushed out to his shady black SUV's (I don't know cars) and was looked at by the medical units on standby.
The culprit was a fellow man of the state, Ray Decerega, from Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. I was reading an article earlier that I found most amusing. This passage in the article contained innocent humor if you will - "Maybe he was telling the President something. Communicating, if you will, of sorts, that Immigration reform has not moved fast enough. This has been our humor segment and hope none of you take this seriously. If you have… find something else to do." Cracks me up everytime.
Whether it was intentional or not, it left Obama with a busted lip that will remind him to remind him to play it safe in the future...

1 comment:

Yasmine_B said...

It seems weird to me that there is so much media coverage about the President's injury. It definitely seems more mainstream than any of the recent political issues. I must say though, twelve stitches sounds really painful :/