Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cousin #1

So finally at the age of 17 I have met my first cousin. She visited this break, on the day she reached the landmark age of five months. Her name is Olivia White...and she is absolutely adorable.

Weighing in at an impressive 17 pounds (90th percentile for weight), and measuring up to the 95th percentile for height...she is a big girl. But in the best way possible, since it is all still baby fat.

At first she was apprehensive around me, crying on contact and such...but I would say she has come quite a long way. Now she is on her blanket on her back, demonstrating the extreme flexibility of babies as she grabs both her feet and puts them up to her head, smiling all the while. Every so often there is also a little noise leaving me to wonder what she could possibly be saying.

Well off I am. Going to go get some more quality time with her before she flies back to her home in Washington tomorrow. Who knows...maybe there will be more cousins soon.

1 comment:

Brit said...

Wow, it's amazing that you are only just now getting your first cousin. I'm an only child, so cousins are the closest I get to siblings. Come to think of it, since I'm an only child, any children of mine will have no cousins at all. How strange, a world without cousins..