Thursday, November 18, 2010

25 Hours

One thing that I really do not understand is how any student could possibly struggle to meet the minimum 25 hours of community service before graduation. Of all the graduation requirments at Rocklin, this requirement should be the one that students find easiest to meet. There is a huge variety of community service oppurtunities available in our area, some are even at school, yet some people don't even manage to spend a little more than a day helping others. To enjoy community service you need to find something you enjoy doing, a cause you feel passionate about or a group of people you want to help. With clubs like Interact, Key and S-Club who supply community service projects there is no excuse for not getting enough hours to graduate. Just on the week of break there are many oppurtunities for helping people who are less fortunate; Interact club is helping the River City Food Bank get back on their feet on Tuesday and the Red Cross is serving Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. So if you find yourself unable to meet graduation requirments because of community service, don't expect any sympathy.


Chelsea Y said...

I agree, at first I thought it was going to be impossible, but doing little things of community service will make the hours add up.

Alisha said...

I know. I had my 25 hours of service done even before I came in as a freshman! Being part of those types of clubs does help alot.

Franchesca said...

I totally agree it isn't that hard, I got around 80 hours my Freshman year.