Thursday, November 25, 2010

Not a Harry Potter Fan

I never fully understood the point of being a Harry Potter fan. I know it is popular and adored and admired internationally, but I never really connected to HP. I read three books in elementary school and saw a couple of the films, I think.

Anyway, I saw HP a few days ago with my boyfriend. Brace yourself: I didn't like it (and it was MY decision to see it). I know, I'm strange. Maybe I would have liked it if I read the book? Maybe it was just too dark for me? Too much "magic" and creatures? I don't know. It wasn't bad, it was just okay and overrated. My boyfriend, having no interest in HP either, thought it was "somewhat good", but only "somewhat". (Thankfully there is another person who doesn't obsess over HP (or Twilight) like me!)

Thankful for so much more though...I had a great time in Napa this week, learned some more Spanish, I get to spend time with my grandma tomorrow, and I'm making a pumpkin cheesecake with my little sisters today! Happy Turkey Day everyone! :)


Alisha said...

AHH HARRY POTTER IS AMAZING! I thought the movie was good, but I can see where you're coming from since it was a pretty dark film even for my taste. Pumpkin cheesecake sounds delicious!

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen the movie yet, but I feel like I have to. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and have seen all the movies, so I need to see the final one to complete the series.
And pumpkin cheesecake? I havent ever heard of that before ;D

natalie said...

I only got through the first 4 books so I'm not really attached to it either.