Sunday, November 28, 2010


My house feels really empty. For the past week, my family has had my good friend and adopted sister (not really) live with us for the holidays. Her name is Arisa. I met her last year, over Christmas break, in Japan when I attended her high school for 2 weeks. Yeah, I speak enough Japanese to get by...
We dropped her off at this adorable bright-yellow house near San Francisco State, where she is living in the basement. It was a little cold down there, but it had a renovated kitchnette and everything, so I'm not too worried about her. She is a freshman at SF state right now :)
I completely adore her. She's really pretty and smart, speaks Japanese, cooks, sews, and has nicer handwriting than mine. Her only fault is that she can't do math very well. (sigh) Neither can I.
Over break, she was staying in my room, so I haven't been able to sleep in my bed for a week. But since it's her, I was fine with it. I wish she was still here- I would trade my room if she could stay another day. Oh well, I know she's got school...
Gah. So I guess I'm just lonely and really lonely right now.

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