Monday, November 29, 2010
For the first time in my living memory, I'm going down that path that so many of us have taken. I'm moving. I will still be going to Rocklin, I believe, but our family is looking for a change of pace after 13 long years in this house. I love it, and I will miss it. Right now, it's decorated for the holidays. It's hard to believe that this is my last christmas here. There are so many memories here. Out front, I can see where I first rode a bike. I learned to read here. There have been good times and bad, but it is the only home I've ever known. Earlier, there were strangers in my room contemplating living in my home :/
This Thanksgiving I didn't really do much. I hung out with some friends on the first weekend. i also rearranged my room and got a couch so now all i have to do is save up for a new tv.That was pretty fun. Then i just chilled until Wednesday. then I went to my grandmas and i got to drive half the way there that made that day pretty special. it was kinda scary driving on the freeway but i did pretty well. my mom put on the hazard lights while i was driving which was kind of embarrassing but she turned them off after 10 minutes. then at my grandmas we had thanksgiving and then we went to my other grandmas house to hang out on friday. on the last weekend i just relaxed until school.
Life. At the Moment.
So I like love reading this blog, maybe because people really interest me. Fascinating. There's so many now to catch up on because of Thanksgiving break. Not to mention it's extremely entertaining to ramble on about my life on this website.
Sooooooo we're back at school. MEH. But I missed our lovely pod, so the morning has gotten off to a pretty good start despite the fact that it's a Monday AND a silver day. Double whammy of horridness.
I'm thinkin everyone's feeling the day-after-break-not-wanting-to-be-here-feeling that we all love so dearly. Ashley's hair looks pretty amazing today. Brit is making a chain out of green streamers as we continue the Christmas spirit. Not to mention we've spent most of the period so far as a pod therapy session hashing out our relationship problems. I seriously don't want to leave this class. I'm enjoying relaxing here and easing out of the best break ever. This week is going to be perhaps the busiest week I've had in a while, and I'm not sure I'm ready for it. Yeahhh I procrastinated homework until yesterday, and ended up at midnight like half way done with The Scarlet Letter rereading the same paragraph over and over again because I could not retain what I was reading for the life of me. So I went to bed, knowing I'll have to finish it eventually. And I just now remembered I have a vocab quiz 6th period I have yet to study for. All I have to say is thank goodness today is a minimum day.
Sooooooo we're back at school. MEH. But I missed our lovely pod, so the morning has gotten off to a pretty good start despite the fact that it's a Monday AND a silver day. Double whammy of horridness.
I'm thinkin everyone's feeling the day-after-break-not-wanting-to-be-here-feeling that we all love so dearly. Ashley's hair looks pretty amazing today. Brit is making a chain out of green streamers as we continue the Christmas spirit. Not to mention we've spent most of the period so far as a pod therapy session hashing out our relationship problems. I seriously don't want to leave this class. I'm enjoying relaxing here and easing out of the best break ever. This week is going to be perhaps the busiest week I've had in a while, and I'm not sure I'm ready for it. Yeahhh I procrastinated homework until yesterday, and ended up at midnight like half way done with The Scarlet Letter rereading the same paragraph over and over again because I could not retain what I was reading for the life of me. So I went to bed, knowing I'll have to finish it eventually. And I just now remembered I have a vocab quiz 6th period I have yet to study for. All I have to say is thank goodness today is a minimum day.
Just Complaining
Winter. I used to like the season, but this year it's not that fun. Today was the coldest day of the year (so far). It's 37 degrees or so outside. So cold :( And my skin and hair are getting really dry. And it's just hard to think. It feels too cold, but it's not so cold that we can really wear huge huge jackets. I have a high cold tolerance, so it's just uncomfortable, but still...And then this year, I have so much homework too. Gah. I know we just got off Thanksgiving break, but I can't wait till it's Winter break. And the thing about Rocklin is that it doesn't snow, so it's not like we can make snowmen or anything. So it's not even a fun cold. It's a boring icky cold. When I was younger, I used to complain so much to my parent's about Rocklin's lack of activity compared to San Jose, where I used to live. But I always prefered the winter to the summer because of the temperature. But this summer was relatively cool, so I didn't mind it so much. But now it's winter, and it's so cold! Argh. And now I have to be at school, where I almost tripped on some frozen leaves. Great. I wish it was still break, and I wish it wasn't so cold.
My mom would say something like "Do you want some cheese with your whine?"
I guess I'm just complaining , but still. It's so cold :(
My mom would say something like "Do you want some cheese with your whine?"
I guess I'm just complaining , but still. It's so cold :(
The pressure is on
I guess I just lost track of time from being sick. I looked at my planner while I was writing down my assignment for our writing group. There are only 15 school days left. There is not going to be enough time until the semester ends. 19 short days to read 5 books, take the ACT, complete a book review, do CSF and NHS projects, get my story together for the print issue. 3 math tests, daily track conditioning, an essay, and who knows what else will crop up. Rally my energy, focus my attention, and wish me luck. Gulp.
shopshopshop shop stop stop! eh, nah. shop shop
IF UR WONDERING WHAT IS THE BEST STORE TO HIT UP ON BLACK FRIDAY IT IS GOODWILL. 50% off of dirt cheap= basically free stuff. My friend Lindsay and I basically went on Wednesday night to hide all the stuff we wanted so we could come back Friday morning and get it all. And I went multiple times, to different goodwills. I got so much stuff it was great. My favorite purchase was a big olive green coat for $5 and a racoon tail hat for $3. Also, the second time I went with my friends Alexis and Jayce, whose birthday was on friday, so we asked the goodwill people to announce it over the loudspeaker and they did and she pretty much turned bright red it was great. Then after we went to get frozen yogurt at OMG! yogurt and we had everybody in the place sing to her and we caught it on video that was great too. And the guy let us get free yogurt and candy! hahaha Fabulous black friday. Oh, and I got a mac!! hooray and it was a great deal. Bargains are ze best
Sigh. We're back. Today at school there is frost outside, and I am still enjoying this lovely sinus infection. Its nice to be back in the pod, but to be perfectly honest, I'm not really feeling school right now. This break was not relaxing at all. I laid around coughing for two weeks. Turkey and mashed potatoes really don't taste that great when you don't have use of your taste buds...
blog blog blog blog
This year my family and I decided to go up to northstar for thanksgiving instead of doing the whole thanksgiving dinner thing, which we postponed until friday. I had a lot of fun snowboarding with my brother and his girlfriend, even though I prefer skiing. I definitely got stuck in powder waist deep THREE DIFFERENT TIMES it was bad. The more I tried to walk away the more I sank deeper! and I ate snow pretty bad this one time in particular. Afterwards we all went ice skating & had a snowball fight in the rink. And I had one of those delightful waffle things they sell that are basically hot, delicious ambrosia. FUUUN stuff
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Makeup strike
This whole weekend I was too lazy to wear makeup or change out of my pajamas. And I really enjoyed it. Not the whole laying around being lazy part (although that part wasn't so bad either), but the whole not giving a care about how I looked.
It's a real hassel. Hair, makeup, and putting together and outfit is half an hour out of my morning that I could be using to sleep in! Plus, now with these hectic three weeks ahead of me full of last minute projects and finals before the end of this semester, looking good is going to be the least of my worries.
So you know the whole No Shave November? Well, I admit I did not take part in that. Trying to look like a prehistoric caveman/woman really isn't my thing... but I do admire those who did it. The whole idea of not caring how one looks is very refreshing especially in a place like Rocklin where looking good all the time seems to have become everyone's first priority. So what about a No Makeup December?? I know, I know, there are already plenty of girls who don't wear makeup at all and I truly admire them for that. In fact, my best friend doens't wear any makeup ever unless I do it for her, and yet she looks gorgeous. I really think she was my inspiration. So for the next three weeks, I will not be wearing makeup to school. I hope in the end I learn that I don't need makeup to feel good about myself. If anyone is willing to try it with me feel free! And I hope guys realize they are not included in on this one...
It's a real hassel. Hair, makeup, and putting together and outfit is half an hour out of my morning that I could be using to sleep in! Plus, now with these hectic three weeks ahead of me full of last minute projects and finals before the end of this semester, looking good is going to be the least of my worries.
So you know the whole No Shave November? Well, I admit I did not take part in that. Trying to look like a prehistoric caveman/woman really isn't my thing... but I do admire those who did it. The whole idea of not caring how one looks is very refreshing especially in a place like Rocklin where looking good all the time seems to have become everyone's first priority. So what about a No Makeup December?? I know, I know, there are already plenty of girls who don't wear makeup at all and I truly admire them for that. In fact, my best friend doens't wear any makeup ever unless I do it for her, and yet she looks gorgeous. I really think she was my inspiration. So for the next three weeks, I will not be wearing makeup to school. I hope in the end I learn that I don't need makeup to feel good about myself. If anyone is willing to try it with me feel free! And I hope guys realize they are not included in on this one...
Right now, I am reasonably mentally able. I am aware of my surroundings and capable of somewhat advanced thought. Not for long, though.
At 6:00 AM tomorrow, my alarm clock will prematurely end my sleep. And it will continue doing so for three weeks. The world will have to deal with my limited mental capacity until December 19, when I actually sleep. See you later!
Thanksgiving Disaster
Thanksgiving was interesting... and bad. Too me it just seemed like everyone was in a bad mood. For one, my grandma had just had a stroke, two, my aunt broke her leg and three, my great grandma got in a car crash. She drives recklessly! Anyway all in all it could've gone way better! Never the less, the food was still freaking amazing and the next day when we went back for leftovers everyone was mellowed out and a whole lot less irritable
I love this website; I really enjoy photography although I am pretty amatuer. Atleast, I'm in Photo 1, but that doesn't mean I have absolutely no experience.
Add me on Flickr!
Add me on Flickr!
Early Christmas
Today my family got out all the decorations and got our house spruced up for Christmas... my favorite time of the year. We decorated inside, brought in the tree, put up ornaments, the whole nine yards. It was great and just a reminder of how much fun this time of year is; not to mention all the great sports. I mean, c'mon the NBA, College Basketball and the NFL in full swing... How much better can it get? That's right, it can't. So, I know i will, but you enjoy this season while it lasts because it goes all too soon!
Nobody ever really knows what to do with the thanksgiving leftovers. I cant believe anybody would even want to keep the leftovers after eating so much of it the day before! It's crazy, somehow we're the ones who get stuck with the leftovers so everytime I look in the fridge I die a little inside when I see the turkey meat. However the best leftovers are the cranberry sauce and pies. I plan on being put in a diabetic coma by the end of the night. I don't mind as long as I go out satisfied.
Tis The Season To Be Stressed Out
This time of year is suppose to be the happy and filled with Christmas cheer. Yet, until Christmas break, its only filled with stress and frustration for me. I have been dreading these upcoming three weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. Its always filled with tons of projects and tests that teachers cram in before the end of the semester. Even though I have good grades now, who knows what they could look like by the time Christmas break comes. Last year at this time was one of the worst times in my high school career. Not only was I overcome with stress, I was constantly getting sick and missing school. I got an inner ear infection that caused me to have vertigo, which is where the room looks like its spinning and makes you so dizzy that you are constantly throwing up, definitely not a fun thing to have. This happened the week right before break which is arguably the most crucial. Just this week, I have four tests and an essay due. So wish me luck and hopefully this time of year will be a little more cheerful this time around.
This is a blog about blogging.
I am sitting here with a glass of egg nog...blogging.
I am blogging whatever comes to mind. Blogging is a beautiful thing. Because there are no set rules...I mean think about it. I can type about anything, formal or informal, in whatever manner I decide and I cannot be told that I did anything wrong.
So go on guys. Try it out. Go and blog to your little heart's content.
Cousin #1
So finally at the age of 17 I have met my first cousin. She visited this break, on the day she reached the landmark age of five months. Her name is Olivia White...and she is absolutely adorable.
Weighing in at an impressive 17 pounds (90th percentile for weight), and measuring up to the 95th percentile for height...she is a big girl. But in the best way possible, since it is all still baby fat.
At first she was apprehensive around me, crying on contact and such...but I would say she has come quite a long way. Now she is on her blanket on her back, demonstrating the extreme flexibility of babies as she grabs both her feet and puts them up to her head, smiling all the while. Every so often there is also a little noise leaving me to wonder what she could possibly be saying.
Well off I am. Going to go get some more quality time with her before she flies back to her home in Washington tomorrow. Who knows...maybe there will be more cousins soon.
Oh, Suzie Snowflake.
So, I've taken up piano. And I'm actually pretty excited about it.
But NO ONE is as excited as my mother.
See, when she was little girl she played piano. When she started taking lessons, she envisioned her playing christmas carols while the entire family gathered around and sung along. Instead, whenever she would play, she would hear all the doors in the house closing so they wouldn't have to listen. Apparently this has given her some kind of complex.
It started with her living vicariously through my piano playing. She sits there and watches me when I practice, and fancies herself some kind of expert although she hasn't played since she was 12. And she kept trying to print out some song called Suzie Snowflake that used to be her favorite. Last night she found it on youtube and insisted I listen to it.
But now, she has taken it to an all new level. Today she printed out the sheet music for at least 7 different christmas songs. When I refused to learn Jolly Old Saint Nicholas for her, she took it upon herself. It's pretty awful.
I love my mom.
Who do I want to be?
People are always asking what I want to be when I grow up.
"A journalist?" they ask, shocked. I guess I don't seem the type.
I remember being a little girl, mouth full of frosted flakes, eyes glued to the TV. But unlike the average eight year old, it wasn't cartoons that drew my attention. It was Good Day Sacramento.
I watched with complete admiration as Sandra Furlong met people with fascinating stories, tried new and exciting things, and then promptly reported back to me. I wanted to go to the places she got to go, talk to the people she got to meet, and know the things she had the privilege of knowing. It was then that I decided I wanted to be a broadcast journalist.
Since then, I've wanted to be an interior designer, an astronaut, and nearly everything in between, but somehow it always comes back to journalism. Who knows, I could change my mind a trillion more times before I decide what I want to do for the rest of my life. After all, I'm only 16.
Tricking is a relatively new underground sport that emerged from sports karate tournaments. It involves martial arts kicking, twisting, and flipping in a creative, flowy way. Trickers combine moves such as aerials, backflips, gainers, and various kicks and into combos that are really cool to watch. In essence, trickers are modern day ninjas. Many have experience in martial arts styles such as karate, taekwondo, wushu, capeoira, kung fu or gymnastics and tumbling though many excel without any previous experience. Some extremely skilled trickers include Anis Cheurfa, Michael Guthrie, Vellu Saarela, Scott Skelton, and Jeremy Marinas to name a few.
I have been doing Taekwondo since I was seven years old and recently became interested in tricking in late 2008. In 2009, I took some tumbling classes, joined my karate school's demo team, and started learning a few tricks from my taekwondo instructor. I don't have much time to practice very often so I'm not that good, but tricking is something I want to pursue. This sport is definitely becoming more mainstream as shown in a number of commercials and videos, for example Chris Brown's 'Yeah' music video. Trickers push the supposed limits of gravity and physics with what they do. I recommend checking it out on Youtube.
Danielle, My Twin :)
Danielle Huddlestun and I are twins. It kind of scares me how much we are alike. Our personalities, classes, activities, and friends, are all similar. Even our ideas for blog posts are the same, hence we are both blogging about being twins. I was about to write practically the same exact thing that Danielle posted earlier but I just read hers and decided to change mine up just a tad. She told you how we are alike so I will entertain you with the story of how we found out we were twins. So lets start from the beginning. Once upon a time, I heard of this girl named Danielle Huddlestun who was in my journalism class and thought that she seemed like a pretty cool person and that one day I could see us being friends, little did I know just how much we were alike. One day, we were paired up to work on the print issue together with another certain someone. It was during this time that we realized that we had similar personalities and the same sense of humor. That summer we both volunteered at summer school. And after dance parties, making Janis mad at Thunder Galleria meetings, trick or treating together, watching videos together on Youtube, and laughing at the HR Pufnstuf theme song, we have discovered that we are twins. The end.
I'm happy break is over...
Its the last day of break and surprisingly I'm excited! I had a great break, getting to relax and have fun with friends was nice, but I'm ready to go back to my normal schedule. I cant wait to go back to school and see the friends that I didn't hang out with over break, I miss my teachers, and just miss being in a classroom overall. I know it's super weird but I'm looking forward to tomorrow way more than I should.
I cant really explain my longing to go back to school... maybe its the fun of getting my self ready in the morning(over the break I didn't really focus on how I looked), maybe its just not being able to see ALL my friends, or maybe its just that it feels weird not doing my normal everyday things.
Anyway, overall I had a great break but I will be very energetic tomorrow!
See you guys then!
I finally managed to secure a copy of Catcher in the Rye yesterday and I started and finished it in a few hours. I wasn't expecting anything exceptional, with my past experience with school literature only a select few novels have been any good. But Catcher was pretty good. I got stuck into it after my soccer game and when I was supposed to be reading Scarlet Letter I caught up with the life of old Holden Caulfield instead.
The pro's = I finished it so I don't have to read it later; it was homework to read half of it by the semesters end; it was a good book.
The con's = I should have been reading Scarlet Letter; I didn't read Scarlet Letter; I might not remember anything about Catcher in the Rye for the test
I have tried multiple times to get stuck into Scarlet Letter but to be honest, it's a dry, slow book. I swear the first 500 pages are describing this Hester lady standing around with a baby and an A on her dress while a whole bunch of people just stare at her all creepily. Then she goes back to jail. I am seriously considering just reading the SparkNotes but I'm sure I'll finish reading the book eventually. It will just take alot of convincing myself and alot of time.
The pro's = I finished it so I don't have to read it later; it was homework to read half of it by the semesters end; it was a good book.
The con's = I should have been reading Scarlet Letter; I didn't read Scarlet Letter; I might not remember anything about Catcher in the Rye for the test
I have tried multiple times to get stuck into Scarlet Letter but to be honest, it's a dry, slow book. I swear the first 500 pages are describing this Hester lady standing around with a baby and an A on her dress while a whole bunch of people just stare at her all creepily. Then she goes back to jail. I am seriously considering just reading the SparkNotes but I'm sure I'll finish reading the book eventually. It will just take alot of convincing myself and alot of time.
homework. done. now what . . .
i'm done with the homework I had to over break and I feel kinda pumped!! I think I will go watch something now since I feel so accomplished. Get smart, ghosts of girlfriends' past, failure to launch, pride and prejudice, friends, or grey's anatomy... I'm thinking an episode of grey's anatomy and ghost of girlfriends' past. Chick flicks, I know, but I'm in love with them. What can I say. I'm kind of just trying to type more to fill up the space to consider this a blog... Oh! I have to make a cake for someone right now so that ought to be fun. and a cupcake for someone too. maybe some piano. or hot cocoa. oh hot cocoa. Okay, I'm just rambling on now so I'm going to cease this terrible habit. Maybe.
Procrastinating and it's Benefits (Or Not)
Okay. Here we are. It's November 28th, the last day of Thanksgiving break, the last day of this wonderous week of freedom and what have I done to myself? I have procrastinated. That's right, I have had anentire week of no school and I have managed to leave all of my homework to the very last two days of break.
It was only yesterday that I realized that I have work to do. So I searched my closet for the bag I hadn't touched since last Friday and dumped out all my papers and folders and books. Turns out I actually had alot of work to do. Thank the holy lord above that I took that stuff out yesterday because if I had done it today I would be in serious panic mode right now. But it will be okay now. I finished my essay, math, psych and reading and now I'm here working on this blog.
Maybe I should be ashamed(doing both blogs on the last day and all), But I can't seem to bring myself to be. I had a nice break, not thinking about any of this school stuff until now, so I'm almost okay with spending the remainder of my time on this. Besides, I should probably get ready to go back to studying late and waking up early. If only school was an after lunch thing...
It was only yesterday that I realized that I have work to do. So I searched my closet for the bag I hadn't touched since last Friday and dumped out all my papers and folders and books. Turns out I actually had alot of work to do. Thank the holy lord above that I took that stuff out yesterday because if I had done it today I would be in serious panic mode right now. But it will be okay now. I finished my essay, math, psych and reading and now I'm here working on this blog.
Maybe I should be ashamed(doing both blogs on the last day and all), But I can't seem to bring myself to be. I had a nice break, not thinking about any of this school stuff until now, so I'm almost okay with spending the remainder of my time on this. Besides, I should probably get ready to go back to studying late and waking up early. If only school was an after lunch thing...
Black Friday
So, I will admit it. I am the average, materialistic, shallow American that is obsessed with Black Friday and all the wonderful deals it has to offer. And that is why I was so willing to wake up at 3:55 AM on Friday morning, make a quick pot of coffee for myself and the two friends that were coming with me, and head to Walmart.
Walmart is every consumer's dream. They have EVERYTHING, and that's what makes Black Friday shopping there so perfect. However, just being there amongst hundreds of deal-hungry shoppers is definitely dangerous.
I stood by what they call "pallets" (just basically boards containing multiple products that are up for grabs) for about 15 minutes, nervous about being so close and nervous that I wouldn't be able to get one. However, as soon as 5 AM struck, all the bags were ripped off and everyone struggled to grab one. I got my Sony camera, successfully, and headed back to our shopping cart. My friend came back a couple of minutes later, saying that she had been shoved in her struggle to get a camera, but some kind lady who had five in her hands gave her one.
An employee whom I had waved to earlier walked up to me a couple minutes later and handed me another camera, which apparently he had "set aside" for me (I'm not sure if that's even legal). So now we had three cameras, and we only needed one. We made two shoppers' mornings that day by giving them away.
After getting the cameras, I ran around looking for the Sony iPod dock I had seen in the ads the previous night. Even though we weren't there right away, both my friend and I managed to grab one.
I spent a large amount of money that morning, but I realized that it isn't all about what you buy. It's the experience, the sort of adrenaline rush I get just from being there. And the quizzical, yet hysterical looks on people's faces when you run through the parking lot shouting, "I LOVE MATERIAL POSSESSIONS!!! AND I LOVE PHYSICAL BEAUTY TOO, BECAUSE IT'S WHAT'S ON THE OUTSIDE THAT COUNTS, AND THAT'S WHY WE'RE HEADED TO ULTA NEXT!!!"
Walmart is every consumer's dream. They have EVERYTHING, and that's what makes Black Friday shopping there so perfect. However, just being there amongst hundreds of deal-hungry shoppers is definitely dangerous.
I stood by what they call "pallets" (just basically boards containing multiple products that are up for grabs) for about 15 minutes, nervous about being so close and nervous that I wouldn't be able to get one. However, as soon as 5 AM struck, all the bags were ripped off and everyone struggled to grab one. I got my Sony camera, successfully, and headed back to our shopping cart. My friend came back a couple of minutes later, saying that she had been shoved in her struggle to get a camera, but some kind lady who had five in her hands gave her one.
An employee whom I had waved to earlier walked up to me a couple minutes later and handed me another camera, which apparently he had "set aside" for me (I'm not sure if that's even legal). So now we had three cameras, and we only needed one. We made two shoppers' mornings that day by giving them away.
After getting the cameras, I ran around looking for the Sony iPod dock I had seen in the ads the previous night. Even though we weren't there right away, both my friend and I managed to grab one.
I spent a large amount of money that morning, but I realized that it isn't all about what you buy. It's the experience, the sort of adrenaline rush I get just from being there. And the quizzical, yet hysterical looks on people's faces when you run through the parking lot shouting, "I LOVE MATERIAL POSSESSIONS!!! AND I LOVE PHYSICAL BEAUTY TOO, BECAUSE IT'S WHAT'S ON THE OUTSIDE THAT COUNTS, AND THAT'S WHY WE'RE HEADED TO ULTA NEXT!!!"
Last Day of Break
It's the last day of break and I am so sad to see this break go. I truly enjoyed myself everyday of this break. The last week of school I was so incredibly stressed because I was in charge of taking care of my little brother until my Dad got home from a business trip in the Bay Area, so this break was much needed. Friday night, Dad came home and we celebrated by watching my absolute favorite Christmas movie, Elf. :) After a cozy night with the family, the weekend brought in the craziness of the holidays.
On Saturday, I had two friends come over to work on a Spanish project. The girls had never made tamales before so I had them come over so we could all gain our "culture points". It was really nice sharing with my friends a little bit of my Mexican culture and a Riofrio Christmas tradition. Later that day, my best friend and I made cookies as well. With tamales and cookies as gifts, I went and visited my friend who had just come home from the hospital Sunday morning. It made me happy to see him laugh as my Dad handed him a Scooby-Doo blanky because he somehow earned the nickname Scooby on my Dad's baseball team.
That weekend, I also saw the new Harry Potter. I had a lot of fun seeing the new movie theater and sitting in their new comfortable leather chairs, but I have no idea what actually happened in the movie. I had not seen the past six movies, so I was certainly lost. I think I may have actually fallen asleep a couple times. Don't think that it was a bad movie because I am in no way a credible source as far as Harry Potter goes. I just never really got into it. Of course, over the dinner table on Thanksgiving my uncles were raving about how the great the movie was. My dad just had to put me on the spot, telling them that I had seen the movie just days before. Now my uncles were discussing every detail with me although i had probably slept through it all haha.
Black Friday I learned a lot about myself. I did not go out early in the morning but my Dad did. He went to Best Buy and bought my brother a 36-inch flat screen TV, while he returned home with nothing for me. I became jealous of my little brother. I could not believe that the child who was always getting in trouble and often had poor grades had received such a big gift. But I soon realized that I should not be jealous of material things and instead be happy for my brother and know that there are bigger things in life to be grateful for than flat screen TVs.
Yesterday, I attended a beautiful wedding of someone whom i barely knew, but still had a great time. I always enjoy an event in which I dress up. After the wedding, my family headed over to Il Fornaio for a great Italian dinner. This is when I felt that the holiday season had really began, hearing the soft Christmas songs and seeing the glow of Christmas lights above my head as I sat with my family.
Now I am sitting in my room pondering why this break had to come to an end. School is still a day away yet I totally feel the stress of reality again. Tonight I get to write a speech and be prepared to present tomorrow, finish a 540 page AR book, and make a poster for a Spanish project. Yay! See everyone tomorrow! :)
On Saturday, I had two friends come over to work on a Spanish project. The girls had never made tamales before so I had them come over so we could all gain our "culture points". It was really nice sharing with my friends a little bit of my Mexican culture and a Riofrio Christmas tradition. Later that day, my best friend and I made cookies as well. With tamales and cookies as gifts, I went and visited my friend who had just come home from the hospital Sunday morning. It made me happy to see him laugh as my Dad handed him a Scooby-Doo blanky because he somehow earned the nickname Scooby on my Dad's baseball team.
That weekend, I also saw the new Harry Potter. I had a lot of fun seeing the new movie theater and sitting in their new comfortable leather chairs, but I have no idea what actually happened in the movie. I had not seen the past six movies, so I was certainly lost. I think I may have actually fallen asleep a couple times. Don't think that it was a bad movie because I am in no way a credible source as far as Harry Potter goes. I just never really got into it. Of course, over the dinner table on Thanksgiving my uncles were raving about how the great the movie was. My dad just had to put me on the spot, telling them that I had seen the movie just days before. Now my uncles were discussing every detail with me although i had probably slept through it all haha.
Black Friday I learned a lot about myself. I did not go out early in the morning but my Dad did. He went to Best Buy and bought my brother a 36-inch flat screen TV, while he returned home with nothing for me. I became jealous of my little brother. I could not believe that the child who was always getting in trouble and often had poor grades had received such a big gift. But I soon realized that I should not be jealous of material things and instead be happy for my brother and know that there are bigger things in life to be grateful for than flat screen TVs.
Yesterday, I attended a beautiful wedding of someone whom i barely knew, but still had a great time. I always enjoy an event in which I dress up. After the wedding, my family headed over to Il Fornaio for a great Italian dinner. This is when I felt that the holiday season had really began, hearing the soft Christmas songs and seeing the glow of Christmas lights above my head as I sat with my family.
Now I am sitting in my room pondering why this break had to come to an end. School is still a day away yet I totally feel the stress of reality again. Tonight I get to write a speech and be prepared to present tomorrow, finish a 540 page AR book, and make a poster for a Spanish project. Yay! See everyone tomorrow! :)
My Grades
So basically, my grades are horrible. Completely disgusting. I looked at them today, expecting them to have risen after teachers added more stuff, but they went DOWN.
I have 3 weeks to get everything back to normal. 3 weeks is not that much time, and I'm certainly stressed that I'll fail at every opportunity I have to redeem myself. It's basically just a huge gamble at this point-- if I do well on the finals (huge Chem final and concept final for Calc), then I get an A. Simple as that. If I do terribly or just average on the test, I either stay at my current grade or drop even lower. It's so much pressure, and now I'm just wishing I had focused more for these last couple of months so I wouldn't be in this situation right now.
And look at me now. I'm procrastinating. This is the reason I'm doing so horribly. I just don't have the motivation to work harder, and I somehow feel like everything's going to be OK.
So good luck to everyone who's experiencing the same thing. I really do know how you feel :(
Nona Bhatia and Tony Ortega just had this debate while we do our homework (Nona was right).
I have 3 weeks to get everything back to normal. 3 weeks is not that much time, and I'm certainly stressed that I'll fail at every opportunity I have to redeem myself. It's basically just a huge gamble at this point-- if I do well on the finals (huge Chem final and concept final for Calc), then I get an A. Simple as that. If I do terribly or just average on the test, I either stay at my current grade or drop even lower. It's so much pressure, and now I'm just wishing I had focused more for these last couple of months so I wouldn't be in this situation right now.
And look at me now. I'm procrastinating. This is the reason I'm doing so horribly. I just don't have the motivation to work harder, and I somehow feel like everything's going to be OK.
So good luck to everyone who's experiencing the same thing. I really do know how you feel :(
Nona Bhatia and Tony Ortega just had this debate while we do our homework (Nona was right).
Elisabeth, My Twin :)
Seeing as me and Elisabeth have so many things in common, it is obvious that we are twins. To begin with, we have the same hair straightener. We are also both in newspaper and the SAME spanish class. Our extended family does not live close to us, and in fact, live on the East Coast. We dressed up as Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. The poor people on Halloween could probably not even tell us apart... :) We both have brown hair. We like to watch HR Pufnstuf. We both like Stanford. We both went shopping on Black Friday. We are both on Thunder Galleria board of directors. We are/were on Honor Guard! We bonded because we met a specific person...who shall not be named here :) haha We were both volunteers at the summer school. To top it off, a lady at summer school called me Elisabeth and started talking to me because she thought I was Elisabeth. We are definitely twins! YAY! :) We even have twin telepathy because we decided to blog about the same thing. :D
Black Friday
So....waking up at 7 in the morning for black friday was not worth it. I couldn't find anything. There weren't that many good sales. And if there was, I didn't feel like standing in line for half an hour. My day consisted for things that weren't even on sale, that was about 2 hours. I then met up with one of my friends and we hung out at McDonalds for 3 hours, mainly because our friends were working, and they all took their breaks during that time. After that our friend got off work and we walked to the same stores, because there were only 4 good stores in the mall. We were at the mall for 7 hours. But I have to say, the best part of my day was when we met Ryan Higa. Ryan Higa is a famous youtube person and was at the mall on Friday with Dominic Sandoval/Dtrix from So You Think You Can Dance and Quest Crew. We found out from one our friends that they had seen them, we wanted to meet them, so we decided to try and find them. The friends that had seen them in the beginning, decided to follow them for us and we basically went in a circle trying to find them, but we finally found them in Jamba Juice where we got to take pictures. In the end, my day turned out pretty well.
Yes, I am sure I want to be a nurse
I cant count how many times I've been asked if I am sure I want to be a nurse. I am absolutely certain that yes, I want to be a nurse (and a medical journalist, as well).This decision has definitely narrowed down my choice of schools, since not every school has a nursing school. Just as I am about to send in my first nursing app, I reflect on my reasons...
1. There's a shortage of nurses. An expected 150,000 in the next 15 years to be exact.
2. Health care is a field that doesn't go away...and won't with the current obesity trends.
3. Flexible schedule, and not bad pay, either.
4. A good mental challenge, especially since each day is not the same.
5. It's a job where I'm on my feet (good for someone like me who can't even sit through a movie)
6. I can work with people face-to-face AND work in a lab. Balance.
7.I can use my linguistics :)
8. I can write for a health journal
9. I can work with babies, children and adults.
10. And the greatest reason of all: helping other people live a higher quality of life.
1. There's a shortage of nurses. An expected 150,000 in the next 15 years to be exact.
2. Health care is a field that doesn't go away...and won't with the current obesity trends.
3. Flexible schedule, and not bad pay, either.
4. A good mental challenge, especially since each day is not the same.
5. It's a job where I'm on my feet (good for someone like me who can't even sit through a movie)
6. I can work with people face-to-face AND work in a lab. Balance.
7.I can use my linguistics :)
8. I can write for a health journal
9. I can work with babies, children and adults.
10. And the greatest reason of all: helping other people live a higher quality of life.
My house feels really empty. For the past week, my family has had my good friend and adopted sister (not really) live with us for the holidays. Her name is Arisa. I met her last year, over Christmas break, in Japan when I attended her high school for 2 weeks. Yeah, I speak enough Japanese to get by...
We dropped her off at this adorable bright-yellow house near San Francisco State, where she is living in the basement. It was a little cold down there, but it had a renovated kitchnette and everything, so I'm not too worried about her. She is a freshman at SF state right now :)
I completely adore her. She's really pretty and smart, speaks Japanese, cooks, sews, and has nicer handwriting than mine. Her only fault is that she can't do math very well. (sigh) Neither can I.
Over break, she was staying in my room, so I haven't been able to sleep in my bed for a week. But since it's her, I was fine with it. I wish she was still here- I would trade my room if she could stay another day. Oh well, I know she's got school...
Gah. So I guess I'm just lonely and really lonely right now.
We dropped her off at this adorable bright-yellow house near San Francisco State, where she is living in the basement. It was a little cold down there, but it had a renovated kitchnette and everything, so I'm not too worried about her. She is a freshman at SF state right now :)
I completely adore her. She's really pretty and smart, speaks Japanese, cooks, sews, and has nicer handwriting than mine. Her only fault is that she can't do math very well. (sigh) Neither can I.
Over break, she was staying in my room, so I haven't been able to sleep in my bed for a week. But since it's her, I was fine with it. I wish she was still here- I would trade my room if she could stay another day. Oh well, I know she's got school...
Gah. So I guess I'm just lonely and really lonely right now.
Procrastination At It's Finest
So I had the best Thanksgiving break EVER up until now. Today is my day of torture. I went into this break thinking I didn't have too much homework and I'd just do it all on Sunday and it won't be that bad. I must have failed to open up my planner and actually read all I wrote that I have to do. I have SO MUCH. Yet instead of actually getting to work I'm checking email, Facebook, etc. and just freaking out about how much I have yet to accomplish. I'll probably end up staying up late tonight reading, writing and scrambling to finish everything.
I have to read three books in the next few weeks. Starting with The Scarlet Letter. It's kind of a hard read because of the language used, but it's not too bad once I sit down and force myself to read it. Plus, a while ago I made a list of books I want to read before I die (because I'm a nerd like that) and this is one of the ones at the top of the list, so having to read it for AR is a win-win for me personally. But it's yet another thing I have to do, and it's stressing me out. I miss the days when I could just read for the fun of it and not have a time limit or have to take a test on it.
So I'm definitely feeling the pressure. Wish me luck as I begin to immerse myself in homework.
I have to read three books in the next few weeks. Starting with The Scarlet Letter. It's kind of a hard read because of the language used, but it's not too bad once I sit down and force myself to read it. Plus, a while ago I made a list of books I want to read before I die (because I'm a nerd like that) and this is one of the ones at the top of the list, so having to read it for AR is a win-win for me personally. But it's yet another thing I have to do, and it's stressing me out. I miss the days when I could just read for the fun of it and not have a time limit or have to take a test on it.
So I'm definitely feeling the pressure. Wish me luck as I begin to immerse myself in homework.
So I think I have decided that I am not ready for Christmas at all! It feels like these past months have gone by so fast it's just overwhelming. Just a second ago it was Thanksgiving now there's Christmas music and decorations everywhere. I think time just needs to slow down a bit.
I love Christmas and everything, but Christmas just reminds me that a new year is coming up, and its seems like my life has flown by so quickly! I'm already half way done with High School. Which reminds me that in 2 more years I will be going away to College and have to be on my own, I don't think I'm ready for that.
Anyway I just wish time didn't have to fly by when you're having fun.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Obama+Basketball=12 Stitches
Every time I hear this story on the news or radio I can't help but laugh! As all of you should know, our 44th president, Mr. Barack Obama, received 12 stitches after playing a friendly pick-up game. It turned out to be a not so friendly game in the end when he was rushed out to his shady black SUV's (I don't know cars) and was looked at by the medical units on standby.
The culprit was a fellow man of the state, Ray Decerega, from Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. I was reading an article earlier that I found most amusing. This passage in the article contained innocent humor if you will - "Maybe he was telling the President something. Communicating, if you will, of sorts, that Immigration reform has not moved fast enough. This has been our humor segment and hope none of you take this seriously. If you have… find something else to do." Cracks me up everytime.
Whether it was intentional or not, it left Obama with a busted lip that will remind him to remind him to play it safe in the future...
The culprit was a fellow man of the state, Ray Decerega, from Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. I was reading an article earlier that I found most amusing. This passage in the article contained innocent humor if you will - "Maybe he was telling the President something. Communicating, if you will, of sorts, that Immigration reform has not moved fast enough. This has been our humor segment and hope none of you take this seriously. If you have… find something else to do." Cracks me up everytime.
Whether it was intentional or not, it left Obama with a busted lip that will remind him to remind him to play it safe in the future...
A Very Potter Thanksgiving
In light of the recent release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, my entire Thanksgiving Break has been characterized by frequent viewings of the Harry Potter movies. I watched the first and second movies a few days ago, and the third today. I saw the Deathly Hallows on Wednesday after watching the sixth and also saw the seventh again today. It's really fun to compare the performances of Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson over the years. They've changed so much from the adorable, slightly cheesy actors they were back in 2001 to the mature, experienced actors they are today. I personally believe that the seventh movie most closely exemplified the book out of all of them which I am glad for because it was my favorite book. There were scenes that were exactly the way I had imagined them while reading (I won't give away any spoilers...Dobby was amazing).
I am a huge Harry Potter fan. I've read the series around four or five times, seen the movies quite a few times, and I own all the books and dvds. It's basically the most genius series invented in my opinion and J.K. Rowling is an incredible writer. I'm super excited for the release of the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 in July. It's also kinda depressing to think after the completion of the seventh movie, there will be no more new Harry Potter releases. But alas, one can always take a trip down memory lane and reread the series or rewatch the movies.
Everyone needs a break once in a while, and thank goodness our school gives us quite a few. It's hard for us when we start feeling rundown and overwhelmed as we progress further into the year, but a nice one-week break like this Thanksgiving break is just what I needed to relax, set new goals, and regenerate. So in all my spare time I realized I was bored and came to a conclusion - I need a hobby.
I need to do something that makes me happy and something I like enough to stick with. Here are some ideas that I plan on tackling one at a time:
Learn guitar - I have the piano down, so I think it's time to master a new instrument.
Cooking - It's a life skill we'll all need to learn eventually and I think it would be a good idea to start practicing now.
Reading - I miss it. I haven't done much reading since school has been in session. I'm reading The Color Purple for AR right now and it's incredible. My first project is to finish the Harry Potter Series.
Fitness - STaying in shape isn't only good for the long term, but also for the short term. When you are healthy and fit, your mind functions better and plus, you feel great!
With all this plus homework on my plate, I don't think I will ever hear myself say I'm bored again:)
I need to do something that makes me happy and something I like enough to stick with. Here are some ideas that I plan on tackling one at a time:
Learn guitar - I have the piano down, so I think it's time to master a new instrument.
Cooking - It's a life skill we'll all need to learn eventually and I think it would be a good idea to start practicing now.
Reading - I miss it. I haven't done much reading since school has been in session. I'm reading The Color Purple for AR right now and it's incredible. My first project is to finish the Harry Potter Series.
Fitness - STaying in shape isn't only good for the long term, but also for the short term. When you are healthy and fit, your mind functions better and plus, you feel great!
With all this plus homework on my plate, I don't think I will ever hear myself say I'm bored again:)
Christmas Music and Hot Cocoa
I am sitting at my desk, working on my UC app, sipping hot cocoa and listening to Christmas music. I love how it feels like it is truly time for Christmas now. This has been a very nice and much needed break. I saw HP 7, and I must say, I really enjoyed it. I am typically not a huge HP fan, but I thought this movie was really well done. I went out shopping yesterday for black friday, and I had so much fun. It is so festive at the mall. I also enjoyed our photobooth adventure. :)
However, I am really beginning to anticipate the return to school. That is always the hardest part about going on break! I think that it will actually be manageable, because college apps are wrapping up and so are classes. I'm hoping for the best!
However, I am really beginning to anticipate the return to school. That is always the hardest part about going on break! I think that it will actually be manageable, because college apps are wrapping up and so are classes. I'm hoping for the best!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Here Kitty Kitty :P
Along with decorating the house today, I made a new friend :)
I was sitting there, about to put on some music in my living room, when I saw this cat walking outside my house. No collar or anything. My mom explained to me that this cat always is walking around the neighborhood, but she thinks the owners moved and left it behind.
Now, I'm an animal person and I definately felt sad for this poor kitty. So I went outside and gained the trust of this little cat.
I gave it some food and water and watched it. This cat ate this huge bowl of cat food within seconds. I could only imagine that it probably hadn't eaten in a while.
My mom asked if it was a boy or girl, I hadn't checked yet. I don't think I want to :P I feel like I would be violating the cat, ha-ha.
However, the cat keeps coming back now. Throughout the day, I see it sitting outside our front window, just chilling there and looking around.
I went outside to see it and it ran up to me and purred. I feel like a good person (:
I was sitting there, about to put on some music in my living room, when I saw this cat walking outside my house. No collar or anything. My mom explained to me that this cat always is walking around the neighborhood, but she thinks the owners moved and left it behind.
Now, I'm an animal person and I definately felt sad for this poor kitty. So I went outside and gained the trust of this little cat.
I gave it some food and water and watched it. This cat ate this huge bowl of cat food within seconds. I could only imagine that it probably hadn't eaten in a while.
My mom asked if it was a boy or girl, I hadn't checked yet. I don't think I want to :P I feel like I would be violating the cat, ha-ha.
However, the cat keeps coming back now. Throughout the day, I see it sitting outside our front window, just chilling there and looking around.
I went outside to see it and it ran up to me and purred. I feel like a good person (:
So it's the day after Thanksgiving, and I expected to be able to sit around the entire day and continue digesting the food I ate from the previous night. However, my mother is the complete opposite. I wake up this morning and the first thing she tells me is, "Get some clothes on, we are decorating the house today."
My first response was, "Decorate for what?"
Her first reply was, "For Christmas, duh!"
Therefore, seeing as how she is my mother, I was forced into decorating the entire house with Christmas decorations.
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, BUT ITS THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING! ITS NOT EVEN DECEMBER YET! Can't I just have a breather? I'm still ridiculously fat from all the food I stuffed in my face. But I guess that's no excuse for my mother.
It's 3:12pm and she is building our fake tree right now, and I can't even imagine what might happen the rest of the day.
Happy Holidays?
My first response was, "Decorate for what?"
Her first reply was, "For Christmas, duh!"
Therefore, seeing as how she is my mother, I was forced into decorating the entire house with Christmas decorations.
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, BUT ITS THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING! ITS NOT EVEN DECEMBER YET! Can't I just have a breather? I'm still ridiculously fat from all the food I stuffed in my face. But I guess that's no excuse for my mother.
It's 3:12pm and she is building our fake tree right now, and I can't even imagine what might happen the rest of the day.
Happy Holidays?
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
I love this time of year. So much. Thanksgiving was AMAZING. Ate way too much, but hey that's what you're supposed to do. My boyfriend and I walked at the Run to Feed the Hungry yesterday morning, which was a blast despite the below freezing temperatures that early in the morning. Then "linner" as we call it at my grandma's in the afternoon nourished my craving for the best parts of Thanksgiving dinner: stuffing and pumpkin pie! It went by so fast, and I'm sad that this wondrous week of break is almost over. All more the reason to soak up the last 3 days we have left! But now that Thanksgiving's over, it's time to move on to the next holiday which to my greatest pleasure is CHRISTMAS! My family is the kind of family that wakes up the morning after Thanksgiving and decks our entire house in Christmastime accessories. Now I just have to figure out what I'm going to get everyone for Christmas...I'm not dedicated enough to brave the crowds at 3 in the morning to get some deals on Black Friday, so maybe I'll end up making gifts for my family and friends. It's the thought that counts right? So now I'm off to cover my room in lights and put up my little pink Christmas tree in anticipation for December 25th.
But there's no way my decorations will look as amazing as THE POD'S!!!! :D
But there's no way my decorations will look as amazing as THE POD'S!!!! :D
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Holiday Time
The temperature is 34 degrees outside, daylight savings time is over, and Thanksgiving is digested. It's officially the holidays. Over the next month, stores will offer deep discounts, a festive air will be about, and, most relevantly, the stress of the first semester will end on the 18th. I'm ready.
Black Friday
So many sales and discounts for tomorrow: Black Friday. Last weekend my friends and I were looking around the mall for things to buy for the day with the biggest sales of the year. I couldn't really find anything, but I'm going shopping for Christmas gifts. I think 4 AM is a little early to be shopping we are still going early but not that early. Hopefully it won't be that busy.. I just hope most stores affected by the fire will be open to shop tomorrow!
Not a Harry Potter Fan
I never fully understood the point of being a Harry Potter fan. I know it is popular and adored and admired internationally, but I never really connected to HP. I read three books in elementary school and saw a couple of the films, I think.
Anyway, I saw HP a few days ago with my boyfriend. Brace yourself: I didn't like it (and it was MY decision to see it). I know, I'm strange. Maybe I would have liked it if I read the book? Maybe it was just too dark for me? Too much "magic" and creatures? I don't know. It wasn't bad, it was just okay and overrated. My boyfriend, having no interest in HP either, thought it was "somewhat good", but only "somewhat". (Thankfully there is another person who doesn't obsess over HP (or Twilight) like me!)
Thankful for so much more though...I had a great time in Napa this week, learned some more Spanish, I get to spend time with my grandma tomorrow, and I'm making a pumpkin cheesecake with my little sisters today! Happy Turkey Day everyone! :)
Anyway, I saw HP a few days ago with my boyfriend. Brace yourself: I didn't like it (and it was MY decision to see it). I know, I'm strange. Maybe I would have liked it if I read the book? Maybe it was just too dark for me? Too much "magic" and creatures? I don't know. It wasn't bad, it was just okay and overrated. My boyfriend, having no interest in HP either, thought it was "somewhat good", but only "somewhat". (Thankfully there is another person who doesn't obsess over HP (or Twilight) like me!)
Thankful for so much more though...I had a great time in Napa this week, learned some more Spanish, I get to spend time with my grandma tomorrow, and I'm making a pumpkin cheesecake with my little sisters today! Happy Turkey Day everyone! :)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
The Holidays :D
So basically, the holidays are off to an incredible start. As of Thursday night, I am soooo ready for everything these two breaks are going to give me.
It started with the midnight premiere of Harry Potter, which was amazing. I couldn't have been more thrilled, and half of the experience is just waiting in line for 7 hours. My friends and I went to Starbucks while we were waiting, and one of us was dressed like Filch. He was absolutely filthy and was wearing a torn trenchcoat, and we had one lady who had basically asked us if he was homeless. But anyways, we ended up running around the parking lot and just generally twitching from the excitement of Harry Potter. The movie ended up being so amazing, and I'm so incredibly disappointed the next one isn't coming out until July.
And then it was Friday, the rare "Holy Friday" that occurs right before a break. I had a Calculus test, which was basically the only downer, and I was extremely delusional from the 1/2 an hour of sleep I had the night before, but other than that, it was one of those TGIFs. A couple of my friends dropped by to give me some early birthday presents, and it began to pour down rain (which I love), and that was the conclusion of my day.
So basically, Christmas is in 30 some days and our pod looks absolutely AMAZING. I'm ready for this.
It started with the midnight premiere of Harry Potter, which was amazing. I couldn't have been more thrilled, and half of the experience is just waiting in line for 7 hours. My friends and I went to Starbucks while we were waiting, and one of us was dressed like Filch. He was absolutely filthy and was wearing a torn trenchcoat, and we had one lady who had basically asked us if he was homeless. But anyways, we ended up running around the parking lot and just generally twitching from the excitement of Harry Potter. The movie ended up being so amazing, and I'm so incredibly disappointed the next one isn't coming out until July.
And then it was Friday, the rare "Holy Friday" that occurs right before a break. I had a Calculus test, which was basically the only downer, and I was extremely delusional from the 1/2 an hour of sleep I had the night before, but other than that, it was one of those TGIFs. A couple of my friends dropped by to give me some early birthday presents, and it began to pour down rain (which I love), and that was the conclusion of my day.
So basically, Christmas is in 30 some days and our pod looks absolutely AMAZING. I'm ready for this.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Longest Week of My Life
This truly has been the most stressful longest week of the year. First of all, I made the mistake of letting procrastination get the best of me. I put off an essay and a project until the night before they are due. So last night I scrambled to get a fifteen page project done. If I fail this project, I fail the class. Way too much pressure for the week before break.
Next I was all stressed out for a family friend who is in the hospital. Monday night, I couldn't get any sleep because I was worrying so much about him. Now he is doing fine, so that takes a little stress of my shoulders.
Lastly, my Dad is away on business in the Bay Area. This means heightened responsibilities for me because my Mom works late. It has been so stressful walking home, which is farther away than I would have liked. The most stressful part of this ordeal is taking care of my little brother. I seriously think it would have been easier to take care of a little kid than my teenage brother. At least I wouldn't be pressured into taking him for late night Red Bull runs or worrying about where the heck he is after school. I seriously have so much respect for kids of single parents after this week.
Now the week is coming to a close, and I have to admit things are getting better. All my projects are turned in, Dad is coming home tomorrow, and the break is beginning. I am so excited to hang out with friends. I already have the whole weekend planned out with one of my best friends. I am so excited because we are making funfetti cake cookies for our friend in the hospital, tamales with my Grandma, and just chilling for the rest of the week. So ready for Thanksgiving break!
Next I was all stressed out for a family friend who is in the hospital. Monday night, I couldn't get any sleep because I was worrying so much about him. Now he is doing fine, so that takes a little stress of my shoulders.
Lastly, my Dad is away on business in the Bay Area. This means heightened responsibilities for me because my Mom works late. It has been so stressful walking home, which is farther away than I would have liked. The most stressful part of this ordeal is taking care of my little brother. I seriously think it would have been easier to take care of a little kid than my teenage brother. At least I wouldn't be pressured into taking him for late night Red Bull runs or worrying about where the heck he is after school. I seriously have so much respect for kids of single parents after this week.
Now the week is coming to a close, and I have to admit things are getting better. All my projects are turned in, Dad is coming home tomorrow, and the break is beginning. I am so excited to hang out with friends. I already have the whole weekend planned out with one of my best friends. I am so excited because we are making funfetti cake cookies for our friend in the hospital, tamales with my Grandma, and just chilling for the rest of the week. So ready for Thanksgiving break!
25 Hours
One thing that I really do not understand is how any student could possibly struggle to meet the minimum 25 hours of community service before graduation. Of all the graduation requirments at Rocklin, this requirement should be the one that students find easiest to meet. There is a huge variety of community service oppurtunities available in our area, some are even at school, yet some people don't even manage to spend a little more than a day helping others. To enjoy community service you need to find something you enjoy doing, a cause you feel passionate about or a group of people you want to help. With clubs like Interact, Key and S-Club who supply community service projects there is no excuse for not getting enough hours to graduate. Just on the week of break there are many oppurtunities for helping people who are less fortunate; Interact club is helping the River City Food Bank get back on their feet on Tuesday and the Red Cross is serving Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday. So if you find yourself unable to meet graduation requirments because of community service, don't expect any sympathy.
So this morning I set my alarm to go off at 5.15, however, I did not get up until 6.00. I had to go to my biology retake test at 6.30 this morning, so this was quite irritating because I did not get my green tea this morning. When I got there and I realized that once I got the test, I was going to do worse on this test than on the original, much to my dismay. So that was the beginning of my day.
BUT, today is going to be a good day anyways because it is Thursday, HOPE day. I love Thursdays.
Anyway...I was bored so I started looking up on the internet, "things to do when you're bored" and I found this great idea. I'm writing a list of 20 things I like about someone and giving it to them, which is so fun for both people!
That's it for today.
BUT, today is going to be a good day anyways because it is Thursday, HOPE day. I love Thursdays.
Anyway...I was bored so I started looking up on the internet, "things to do when you're bored" and I found this great idea. I'm writing a list of 20 things I like about someone and giving it to them, which is so fun for both people!
That's it for today.
Don't Fear the Scanner
"Touch my junk, I'll have you arrested". John Tyner's statement to an airport security agent patting him down raised many concerns yesterday about new security tactics used by the TSA, as well as the full body scanners he declined.
Depending on the person, one's concern about the new, extensive pat down search may be justified. However, the full body scanners that are featured in the media should not be given such suspicion as they have since they were introduced. One of the claims, that the scanners give too much radiation, has been declared fallacious by multiple agencies. The other, of privacy, is a null point.
Yesterday was also my birthday, which marks the anniversary of a day on which countless nurses would have seen me naked. The same is true for everyone who was born inside of a hospital, or most of the U.S. population. Since then, routine check ups have had the same outcome. A TSA agent, in a separate room that does not have a view of the passengers, is no different from a doctor.
This is true because full body scanners can stop terrorism. The would be "undiebomber" would have been caught at the gate had they been used. Luckily, in this case, the bombing did not materialize because passengers were able to overpower the terrorists. But luck is not a secure platform. Brief nudity is a small price to pay for safety.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Facebook "Friends"?
Does anyone REALLY know 300+ people? I remember when I first got Facebook I didn't understand how people could be friends with so many people, and I still don't. Sure they go to the same school as you, but you never talk to all. They are in your class but you never say hi. Everytime someone adds me, I always hesitate to add them, my friend always makes fun of me for it. She says "Just add them, as long as you know who they are then its fine". I wouldn't want them to have access to my information. It may seem harmless but you can't be too careful. I don't really add people unless I have talked to them at least twice and who I know I will talk to in the future. I sometimes add people who are old friends, but at the same time I don't even talk to them on Facebook.. I think its funny when I deny people's friend requests because sometimes they re-add me. Do they want to be my "friend" that badly? I remember when I first had my 100th friend (which wasn't too long ago)... for some reason I didn't want 100 yet, I kind of wanted to delete people who I don't talk to anymore lol . I don't think its that bad, I just like to keep my friends close I guess..
Sick Days :/
Some people would say that they love sick days. Because they get to sleep in, and skip the drudgery of yet another day of high school. I do not count myself amongst their ranks. This week I haven't been feeling well, and have stayed home both on Monday and today. I do not know whether or not I will be back for the remainder of the week. While some people are fine with exchanging their physical well-being for a few extra hours of sleep, I must dissent. I feel more stressed out when I'm not at school getting things done, because all I can do is worry that I might be falling behind. They say that if a fish stops swimming, it dies. While I might not go that far, when I'm not at school, I definitely feel as if a bit of my purpose is missing. I don't have a job, my seasons of sports are over (well, the 14-day off-season is half-way done), so school is really the main thing dictating my life. Without it I feel, well, empty. It takes sick days to realize just how much I push myself and value my education, for better or for worse.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
HaPpY! :)
Lately I have been realizing that the little things are what truly count. The small, seemingly meaningless things make the most impression. When you have a bad day, and look back upon what upset you, it is often too many little disappointments that add up to your unhappiness. On my last blog, I said I was going to try and stop to enjoy more things, and not let everything fly by. I am glad to say that I have been relatively successful :) I do tend to get caught up in the stress of everything, I can't seem to help it. However, I have noticed that I have made time and have been a lot better at relaxing and enjoying the good moments that are there!
Today was a great day. It began with a surprise at my car :) hahaha! And then continued with becoming an honorary member of the dolphin pod...who have amazing Christmas decorations!! I would definitely have to say that my card was my favorite :) That was hilarious!! Then the day continued to wonderful times at Thunder Galleria inventory.
Overall, days like these really make me realize that the stress of everything is not so bad. Even though college applications, scholarships, and AP classes are difficult, there is still plenty of time to enjoy yourself.
Today was a great day. It began with a surprise at my car :) hahaha! And then continued with becoming an honorary member of the dolphin pod...who have amazing Christmas decorations!! I would definitely have to say that my card was my favorite :) That was hilarious!! Then the day continued to wonderful times at Thunder Galleria inventory.
Overall, days like these really make me realize that the stress of everything is not so bad. Even though college applications, scholarships, and AP classes are difficult, there is still plenty of time to enjoy yourself.
Nature's Surfers
Christmas Spirit :)
I'm absolutely convinced that our pod is freakin' awesome. I was sitting here, just another morning. when Erika Strickler walks in with $20 worth of Christmas decorations that she bought at the Dollar Tree. Decoration time? I say yes.
So here we are, decorating the pod with all sorts of knick-knacks and Frank Sinatra singing to us.
I can't wait for when its December. I LOVE CHRISTMAS.
So here we are, decorating the pod with all sorts of knick-knacks and Frank Sinatra singing to us.
I can't wait for when its December. I LOVE CHRISTMAS.
Monday, November 15, 2010

This is how I feel.
It seems like so many people lose sight of who they are when they get caught up in the hype of trying to impress those around them. I have always believed in the power of one's words. Own them. I want to know people for who they are, not what they can afford or what image they can put up. I am impressed by people who are not afraid to be themselves, I envy those who speak honestly and whole-heartedly. I avoid those who believe they are hidden behind their possessions.
Do not follow fads to fit in, please be who you are intended to be! Speak how you wish to be heard. Allow yourself to grow so that your mind may be extraordinary, and your words truly beautiful.
Does altruism really exist?
Altruism-acts of being selfless. I learned the word last year in Mr. Pereira's class. Just a few days, ago, someone asked me if I thought it existed.
But of course...what else explains things like donations? Mission trips?
This Rocklin alumni told me it did not exist. He's a psychology major in college and explained that people are always motivated to do something in their self-interest.
This is where we started thinking. In the midst of blaring music began a deep, thoughtful discussion.
I was with one of my best friends, her boyfriend, and a friend of a friend (the alumni). My friend, currently an AP Pysch student, thought about it while her boyfriend and I remembered learning from AP Econ this year that rational people do things in their own self-interest.
Sure, some people volunteer just for the sake of their college apps. And some people donate for tax-write offs.
But what about people who give just to give? Do they do it because they want to experience that joyful feeling of giving? Can someone give just to help people out when there is no effect on them? I'm going to be thinking about this a lot during the holiday season...
But of course...what else explains things like donations? Mission trips?
This Rocklin alumni told me it did not exist. He's a psychology major in college and explained that people are always motivated to do something in their self-interest.
This is where we started thinking. In the midst of blaring music began a deep, thoughtful discussion.
I was with one of my best friends, her boyfriend, and a friend of a friend (the alumni). My friend, currently an AP Pysch student, thought about it while her boyfriend and I remembered learning from AP Econ this year that rational people do things in their own self-interest.
Sure, some people volunteer just for the sake of their college apps. And some people donate for tax-write offs.
But what about people who give just to give? Do they do it because they want to experience that joyful feeling of giving? Can someone give just to help people out when there is no effect on them? I'm going to be thinking about this a lot during the holiday season...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I have a problem. There must be something wrong with my immune system because it feels like I am always getting sick. Whenever something is being passed around you can almost guarentee I'm going to get it. Not only do I get sick alot in general but it happens especially when we have a break from school. So, not surprisingly, thats exactly how I spent my four day weekend. I guess being sick during break is better than having to miss school but its terrible when all my friends are enjoying the wonders of being on vacation, I'm miserable lying on my couch flipping through TV channels with the Kleenex box always within reach. I just hope that I will get over this and will be as healthy as can be for Thanksgiving break.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Idealistic Pride
NOTE: Before you read this,I would like you to know that,although I am a strong pacifist, I am not intending to insult you or your beliefs and opinions.
As many of you know, Black Ops came out on November 9th. In an attempt to bond with my father and younger brother, I brought it up while making dinner last night. Big mistake.
My brother's face lit up and he begin jabbering about it. I have no clue what he said, but somehow it turned to the fact that the "enemy deserve to be killed". Well, as I said above, I am a pacifist. And I said something to the effects of "Well, you know, the enemy doesn't deserve to be killed. This reflects negatively on them and their people in the real world, and how would you feel if these were Americans they were fighting??". Yeah. Bad move on my part...
My dad snapped. He went on a mini-rampage about how I think everyone is too peaceful, and how I'm too P.C, naive,stupid, and un-patriotic. Ugh.
This hurt my feelings. My dad doesn't understand, but that really hurt my feelings.
I am a peaceful person. I admit that freely. I believe in the opinions of everyone, freedom, and worldwide love.
I'm pretty much a hippy.
But still! Is that wrong? To love everyone no matter what? To believe in the good?I believe in it. The capacity to be good is in almost everyone.And so I ate, went to bed, and pondered (as I have a habit of doing) Life.
I think that if we are ever to have peace, it will be through idealism and love. There is nothing good that comes out of killing, hating, or prejudging others. Absolutely nothing good. The only way we will ever achieve peace is if everyone can look at a complete stranger and think "That is someone like me". Because everyone is humna, right? Everyone has a past full of mistakes and triumphs. So if we can say that the world is like a family, full of people who love each other, than we can have world peace. It's basically taking the Barney theory (I love you, You love me) to a international level.
And I'm proud of it too.
To the Dads all over the world- I hope that someday, you can see that all the world really needs is love.
Like the Beatles, right? All you need is love.
As many of you know, Black Ops came out on November 9th. In an attempt to bond with my father and younger brother, I brought it up while making dinner last night. Big mistake.
My brother's face lit up and he begin jabbering about it. I have no clue what he said, but somehow it turned to the fact that the "enemy deserve to be killed". Well, as I said above, I am a pacifist. And I said something to the effects of "Well, you know, the enemy doesn't deserve to be killed. This reflects negatively on them and their people in the real world, and how would you feel if these were Americans they were fighting??". Yeah. Bad move on my part...
My dad snapped. He went on a mini-rampage about how I think everyone is too peaceful, and how I'm too P.C, naive,stupid, and un-patriotic. Ugh.
This hurt my feelings. My dad doesn't understand, but that really hurt my feelings.
I am a peaceful person. I admit that freely. I believe in the opinions of everyone, freedom, and worldwide love.
I'm pretty much a hippy.
But still! Is that wrong? To love everyone no matter what? To believe in the good?I believe in it. The capacity to be good is in almost everyone.And so I ate, went to bed, and pondered (as I have a habit of doing) Life.
I think that if we are ever to have peace, it will be through idealism and love. There is nothing good that comes out of killing, hating, or prejudging others. Absolutely nothing good. The only way we will ever achieve peace is if everyone can look at a complete stranger and think "That is someone like me". Because everyone is humna, right? Everyone has a past full of mistakes and triumphs. So if we can say that the world is like a family, full of people who love each other, than we can have world peace. It's basically taking the Barney theory (I love you, You love me) to a international level.
And I'm proud of it too.
To the Dads all over the world- I hope that someday, you can see that all the world really needs is love.
Like the Beatles, right? All you need is love.
the note.
Monday seemed like an average monday at school, who knew that it become more then just average. After I left school I went to go get my haircut in roseville with my mom an then headed to whole foods market in the fountains. it seemed like everything was going great until I got home. I get out of my car and head to my front door. When I get there I find a note that was stuck in between my door. it read "Ashley wanted me to give this to you..." it was written in my best friends hand writing. Ashley has been my girlfriend since the beginning of eighth grade and we've been together ever since. I open the note and I couldnt even finish the first sentence. I skipped straight to the last sentence and it read "I cant be your girlfriend anymore, Love always Ashley." Her and her friend traded phones that day on purpose so I couldn't get a hold of her. Her note said she wasn't happy with me anymore. The worst part is is that she had my best friend deliver the note to my house. She didnt even have enough courage to at least talk about it with me. next month would have been our two year anniversary which happens to fall on my best friends birthday.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Today, I discovered the true meaning of life. It is not something that you achieve easily. It is not something that allows you more freedom. It is not something that is simply there as we grow older.
It is something filled with choices and decisions in our lives. The paths we take and the decisions we make dictate the outcome of our life. If this is so, how do you know if you made the right one?
I was given a choice: to play basketball or to not. Since I was in 2nd grade I have been on the court. But, I held no true passion for it. You know that feeling you get when you do something you love that gives you that rush of adrenaline or the feeling where you are just floating above everything and everyone? That's the passion you have for something you love. I never felt this for basketball.
So, this year, I chose not to play. The first actual decision I made for myself without anybody leaning me to oneside. I made the choice but after I decided upon it, I felt a sense of disappointment from the people around me. I thought I made the right decision. Did I?
For the first time in my life, I did something that I wanted to do, but somehow what I wanted to do was not good enough for the people around me. This leads me to ask: Is it me who is being selfish or is it they that are being selfish?
I replayed this question over and over in my head and I came to a conclusion.
Life, later on is going to have the same hard questions in life that will make choose one thing or another. I will have those who doubt my decision but I have to face up to the disappointment. I will have to look past all the doubts and look into what I believe. I am being selfish with my decided choice, but they are being selfish for feeling a disappointment in me for not fulfilling what THEY want.
The choices we make in life should be for us. Not for the people who we feel obligated to. The true decision to whether to do something or not lies within us and our beliefs. If we make the wrong one, we get up and try again the next day, month, or year. We simply face the adversaties that obstruct our path to greatness and happiness.
It is something filled with choices and decisions in our lives. The paths we take and the decisions we make dictate the outcome of our life. If this is so, how do you know if you made the right one?
I was given a choice: to play basketball or to not. Since I was in 2nd grade I have been on the court. But, I held no true passion for it. You know that feeling you get when you do something you love that gives you that rush of adrenaline or the feeling where you are just floating above everything and everyone? That's the passion you have for something you love. I never felt this for basketball.
So, this year, I chose not to play. The first actual decision I made for myself without anybody leaning me to oneside. I made the choice but after I decided upon it, I felt a sense of disappointment from the people around me. I thought I made the right decision. Did I?
For the first time in my life, I did something that I wanted to do, but somehow what I wanted to do was not good enough for the people around me. This leads me to ask: Is it me who is being selfish or is it they that are being selfish?
I replayed this question over and over in my head and I came to a conclusion.
Life, later on is going to have the same hard questions in life that will make choose one thing or another. I will have those who doubt my decision but I have to face up to the disappointment. I will have to look past all the doubts and look into what I believe. I am being selfish with my decided choice, but they are being selfish for feeling a disappointment in me for not fulfilling what THEY want.
The choices we make in life should be for us. Not for the people who we feel obligated to. The true decision to whether to do something or not lies within us and our beliefs. If we make the wrong one, we get up and try again the next day, month, or year. We simply face the adversaties that obstruct our path to greatness and happiness.
Don't Fear the Reaper?
Every day, approximately 151,650 people die. Multiply that by 7 and you get 1061550 mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters dead in a week.
Keoni Jesus.Nan Hee Pak.Danielle Altorre.
These are the names of the dead.
What is death, anyway? Besides the loss of physical conciousness and body function. Is it the loss of someone? I prefer to believe that death is when someone starts living on a plane different from ours.
But then, what is the point of life? Well, I know there has to be something. Maybe it's to smile a little more, to snap a little less. To enojy oneself. Maybe it's to make others happy, to bring joy to the world around you.
We don't even know if there is something after death. Afterlife depends on what religion you are, and even then, do you really know? Then life isn't about what happens after you die.
Life is about living for the day. Maybe it's about finding the special things in life, the things that people write about in country songs. Loving someone, living on the edge, learning to trust and leap into tomorrow.
Life is the struggle before death. It's the struggle to make a mark on the world around you, the struggle to matter.
Life's a mix of love and hate. And of pain and beauty.
If you don't do anything with your life, and nothing changes when you die, what was the point of your life? Even if just one person mourns you, misses you, it's still a person. Just one person is all it takes to make a difference.
Gregory Maguire writes "To plant a death, you must grow a life".
So then maybe death is the final curtain call in the play of life. It's a celebration, a happy occaision. It's when someone dies, and you can smile tearfully and say "I really loved them. They made a difference to me."
Don't ever stop living and striving.
Rest in peace.
Keoni Jesus.Nan Hee Pak.Danielle Altorre.
These are the names of the dead.
What is death, anyway? Besides the loss of physical conciousness and body function. Is it the loss of someone? I prefer to believe that death is when someone starts living on a plane different from ours.
But then, what is the point of life? Well, I know there has to be something. Maybe it's to smile a little more, to snap a little less. To enojy oneself. Maybe it's to make others happy, to bring joy to the world around you.
We don't even know if there is something after death. Afterlife depends on what religion you are, and even then, do you really know? Then life isn't about what happens after you die.
Life is about living for the day. Maybe it's about finding the special things in life, the things that people write about in country songs. Loving someone, living on the edge, learning to trust and leap into tomorrow.
Life is the struggle before death. It's the struggle to make a mark on the world around you, the struggle to matter.
Life's a mix of love and hate. And of pain and beauty.
If you don't do anything with your life, and nothing changes when you die, what was the point of your life? Even if just one person mourns you, misses you, it's still a person. Just one person is all it takes to make a difference.
Gregory Maguire writes "To plant a death, you must grow a life".
So then maybe death is the final curtain call in the play of life. It's a celebration, a happy occaision. It's when someone dies, and you can smile tearfully and say "I really loved them. They made a difference to me."
Don't ever stop living and striving.
Rest in peace.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Upcoming Eagle Scout
Tonight I finally started gathering materials for my Eagle Scout Project. I am working with FieldHaven, a non-profit organization based in Lincoln that works with cats. Think of it as an SPCA...just specifically for cats...with a few horses. FieldHaven spays and neuters, adopts, and takes care of the cats that are brought their way. Well...for the domestic cats at least. What about the feral felines that they currently have? Normally in today's society feral felines are euthanized, but they don't want to do that. Thats my queue, and where I come to play. I am building feeding and safety shelters so that they may release these feral felines to an orchard that a volunteer owns. My project will be helping out in a few ways. The cats will keep the rodent population down, will keep other cats away (since they are territorial), and will also get to keep one of their nine lives. The shelters I am building will also be cheap and aesthetically the hope is that other people will follow the trend and can care for their feral cats in a more proper fashion, rather than animal control being called and taking them away. It's just getting started but hopefully it will get moving right along. Right now all I have is a pile of cut plywood, but once they are assembled I will be sure to post an update accompanied with pictures.
Friday, November 5, 2010
I knew junior year would be difficult, but I seem to have over scheduled my life this year. It's more than halfway into the first semester, and I have been so busy the whole time. Between three AP's and three Honors classes I usually have a few hours of homework each night. I miss the simplicity of freshmen year, when I had maybe 1 or 2 hours of homework a day. It's now hard for me to imagine what it was like back in summer just a few months ago when my days were filled with relaxation and scheming over how to further delay my summer homework.
Between various clubs, martial arts, and soccer, there's almost never a day when I don't have an extracurricular to participate in. As an individual who is deeply affected by the condition known as chronic procrastination (I don't understand people who aren't), I usually stay up into the wee hours of the morning on most school nights. This leads the sleepiness throughout the school day and occasional naps when I get home (if I have time before I have to be somewhere) which in turn leads to further nightly wakefulness.
I have deduced that I need to learn how to more effectively budget my time in order to have a more productive and normal schedule. I would never consider giving up one of my activities or dropping an advanced class because I love what I do and I know it will pay off in the future. I'm really only ranting because it's around 2 in the morning and I still have half of my homework left to do. Good night!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
What is up with the weather! Going into October everyone sort of assumed the weather would finally start getting colder and colder...wrong. October was up in the high 80’s one day and raining the next; and you know what? Now that it’s November, its failed to change still. It will be 80 today, 60 on Saturday. With all of the indecisive and inconsistent weather students are alternating shorts and scarves. Hopefully the weather will get into a regular normal pattern. Eventually.
lets make a change
finding out someone you know has cancer is the worst feeling in the world. you have no idea what you can do to make it better which just makes matters even worse. finding out that someone you know has passed away from cancer is even worse. cancer is a terrible thing but sadly there is little we can do about it to make it better. we can be there though for the ones going through it. just the other day i found out one of my closest friends has cancer. my grandma died from it when i was little and so did one of my friends when i was in second grade. when i was in third grade someone got better from cancer but sadly it is back. in sixth grade someone i know got cancer. the other day my friend got diagnosed with cancer. yesterday Keoni passed away from it to. we feel completely helpless when it comes to this sickness. so we have to be there for those going through it. which is why I'm going to start a club that helps families going through cancer. together we can win this battle and find the cure.
together we can fight it.
together we can fight it.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I have a fear of technology.
Every new commercial for the Iphone 4, Ipad, MacBook, etc gives me chills. Not good chills either. Updating twitter or facebook directly from your phone. Having video conversations with people. All while listening to music, browsing Youtube, reading a book, and fiddling with your newest app. It's incredible. But it's scary.
In 2001, the first generation of ipods came out. Nine years later, look at everything we have. In 5 years we will probably have twice as many new advancements. This just makes me imagine a world run by technology. I imagine the fat people in WALL-E. I don't want to be fat and lazy! I don't want technology to take over my life, or my children's lives, or my children's children. Sure things need to be improved, but I hope people know when enough is enough, because technology can easily be abused. When I imagine the end of the world, I think of some massive, indestructible robot that destroys everything in its path. Is that weird?
All I have right now is a 3 year old phone (that still works just fine!) and an ipod touch with no fancy apps, and I plan to keep it that way. I would like to get skype. That's one new thing that I think I could find useful, but I should probably not invest in anything fancy, since I am kind of technologically inept. Plus, it is sooo expensive! The cell phone plan, buying apps, music, books, AHHHH! NO. It's not for me. At least not right now.
NOH is Happy, i guess Chris Paul is too
New Orleans is 3-0. Whouda thunk it? Coming into the season they had little hype and a lot of issues. Namely, Chris Paul and his happiness.. yes, his happiness!
Chris Paul after a great season two years ago when his team was the number two seed in the west and was ousted by San Antonio in 7 has been the leader of this team and recieving zero help in any department. Then, Lebron pulled "The Decision," and all of a sudden Chris Paul is complaining and wants out!
He almost got his way, but with new management he was convinced to stay and now his team is 3-0 on the new year with two huge games coming up against Houston and then the famed Miami Heat.
At 3-0, Paul must be feeling better, but if his team can win botht hese games which is unlikely, he'll really have a reason to stay in New Orleans.
Chris Paul after a great season two years ago when his team was the number two seed in the west and was ousted by San Antonio in 7 has been the leader of this team and recieving zero help in any department. Then, Lebron pulled "The Decision," and all of a sudden Chris Paul is complaining and wants out!
He almost got his way, but with new management he was convinced to stay and now his team is 3-0 on the new year with two huge games coming up against Houston and then the famed Miami Heat.
At 3-0, Paul must be feeling better, but if his team can win botht hese games which is unlikely, he'll really have a reason to stay in New Orleans.

Wizards and Pigs
So Halloween was a couple days ago, and on the afternoon of this day my sister was sifting through our costume collection trying to figure out something to wear that night to go trick-or-treating. Scavengering through cheerleader, ghostbuster and princess costumes led to the finding of a little wizard hat. With the addition of a black cloak my sister automatically decided that she was to be a wizard for that night. Once she put the entire costume on, I freaked. She reminded me of Wizards and Pigs! Wizards and Pigs is a game on this website called Game Goo that we used to play during the computer lab in like second grade. Well, most of us played it throughout our elementary school lives because it was that amazing. And I may or may not have played it this morning :) The game revolves around a wizard going around to monster things (I think they're supposed to be pigs...) and figuring out if what the monsters are saying is a rhyme, alliteration, or rhythm. Once you choose the right one, a key appears in place of the monster. Collecting all of the keys leads to the opening of a special doorway, and you win the game! It's kinda tedious because you can only use the mouse to direct the person and there are so many doorways that look the same, but it is a classic nonetheless. Anyone who I've mentioned this game to reminisces about good times spent in the computer lab at Breen trying to figure out how to reach the end of the game. Who knew a kid's learning game could be so fun? This Halloween brought Wizards and Pigs back into my life, and after telling my friends about it, theirs as well!
In case you ever have the desire to play this wonderous game, here's the link:
In case you ever have the desire to play this wonderous game, here's the link:
Monday, November 1, 2010
Where's George?

Yesterday, someone me handed me a strange dollar bill while helping out with donuts at my church after mass. There was a stamp near George Washington that said "Track this bill." I took a closer look and figured out that this was some sort of project to see just where a dollar could travel.
I got home and logged on to to learn that my dollar was received at Cafe Express, spent at WinCo, and somehow ended up at SS. Peter and Paul in Rocklin. This dollar bill travels an average of .73 miles a day.
In fifth grade, I got some creative inspiration to actually write a "book" about the life of a dollar bill and where it traveled. It's fun to imagine (and now actually know) where in the world a single piece of money has been.
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